"emanating from the pain, the download of horror, hatred, and his memory reencor" these lines have been present in my mind lately turning over and over again these past few months, but finally This day I understood its meaning.
never have felt that life suddenly turns its back, and from one moment to another, as my best friend, Fede, the hourglass turns you, and you begin to occur positive things, things she had always wanted to happen in your life, radical changes, but changes incredible .. all this is happening to me to me, but the fart is that I spend all of madrazo and I am not ungrateful, but I did not know how to fix things, such as keeping order, and that's always been a blunder my mistake, not knowing how to put order to things.
You never happy with what you have, always looking for the ugly side of things, always bitching about what is happening around us .. as my friend would say Michael Jackson, we are the men and women in the mirror, and in short, are reflections .. this on ourselves about changes to our own lives.
not want to sound like a book x self-esteem, but I am writing these things sound simple, even pendejas, but to me, memo, blood has cost me to learn, and what is more, apply day to day in my life.
These days have been a bit overwhelming for me, why? that I had to put order into my life, all I wanted was there, in front of me, on a table, only that there were so many things, and so good .. I did not know I wanted first, is like the classic example of this in a menu and once all the food, and all the food you like, but you can not confessing all .. on a plate you put a little bit of everything to be satisfied.
Well, yesterday I had a very good day, I'd say amazing .. federation came to visit me, and from there walked me to do some paperwork that had pending, and he began to comment on things I had been going lately, and indeed, needed advice, and more than that, I think we really needed was to be heard, take all of this was eating me inside .. and know? once he talks, it esteriorizas with someone in your entire confidence, as it is for my federation, as you see things from another perspective, although the problems are yours, to talk all this, again from outside, and say hum! I think the solution is this .. and you're giving yourself the answers to your questions.
not expect so out of nowhere, a thousand highlights enlighten you and say oh! this is what I've been waiting for, though rarely, in some cases, suddenly it happens .. Well, since you talk to federal walked him running rings around the issue, and now I needed was a sign .. I think I've said it before, but I never tire of repeating this, that we humans are so dumb that we do not realize that God gives us the answer to our problems at hand, and we acquitted ourselves so that we too busy to notice.
Finally, in the afternoon, I went to the blue ice, and just like that, bam! The first sign came to me .. yeah! in ice cream, which place so stupid for something so important, but so are things where you least expect it .. well, you know the rest PC.
I was about to leave, when suddenly entered some very important people to me, and I knew then, what would my priorities and I realized that one has to be flowing as life, I am of those who believes that God has a plan just for you, and you only have to go little way along the yellow, as in the Wizard oz, but also as all the roads, there are sidewalks, and there are arrows that show you two ways, and always one has to choose what is best for our destiny is in that moment where God tests us to see how strengths of character are to take our decisions and the impact they bring.

Some wueba my choro, no? but it is the net! and the net must learn to do that, I must learn to make things go their own way, their own form, and also if there are things that do not agree, I have a voice to be heard, and with this change things for me.
What is the point of all this? finally, I realized that it is to emanate, which really means the new GT song emanate means clean, and that is the process by which I am now. :)
to emanate All!
xoxo, memo.
Pd. Look for the pilot drop dead diva, you'll love
Pd2. Puebliprima Happy Birthday!