I'm here again, after a while without writing in this blog. And I thank my friend Alex, for inspiring me to dust off this blog. Lately I've lived
interesting things, like being in one of the most memorable concerts in 2007, Soda Stereo in the Home Depot Center. And I mention I think it would be worth discussing as it was everything.
On Wednesday November 21 was a day long awaited by many and I was one of those people who stood up with the right foot that day, excited because that day would see a Soda Stereo, one of the legendary rock band in English ñ ol .
Like any normal day, I went to work and put my whole lot EMPE ñ or the truth I am a perfectionist and I like doing things right. So work like every day: I made some contributions, talk to some customers, send some e-mails, prepare a report and charge me for sending some parts to a customer that requested. Since that day (almost as usual) had much to do, day at work I spend flying. So the evening was approaching and thus the time to see Soda Stereo.
I went home, I fix and then get commissions for the Home Depot Center, around 7:30 pm in the place and there were many people, Fortunately no tuve problemas para estacionarme, y mas les valia ya que tuve que pagar $20 dolares... es un robo! En fin, estacione mi auto y fui directo a la entrada principal, por ahi iba pasando cuando reconoci la voz de un chavo que conozco, lo salude e iba con otro cuate asi que nos saludamos, como estaban tomando fotos decidi seguir mi camino y me dirigui a la entrada.
En el momento en que entre la banda ya estaba empezando a tocar, la gente euforica, y yo tenia entrada en la zona de cancha, asi que baje las gradas corriendo y el lugar ya estaba repleto. Como pude me cole poco a poco, mi meta era acercarme hasta el tope. Canciones como: La Ciudad de la Furia, Persiana Americana, Cuando pase el temblor, Juegos de Seduccion, Zoom, Primavera Cero and signs could not miss. Were 3 hours of music, lights, joy, youth and rock-style lot Soda.
This will be an unforgettable concert. If you have a chance, go see them! Worthwhile. Undoubtedly SODA STEREO continues to captivate fans with each song.
Ole ole ole ole
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