Yo Yo!! Wazza and modafockers up !!!!! I've missed like crazy, crazy lost, but today, finally, are like two in the morning and smelling of chocolate on my fingers and my keyboard manx afraid, I'm here checking in on you my dear readers of this your blog, blog! ... Sorry, it's to do too vero castro, can sometimes affect ..
Anyway, anyhow, as they have been all? I have tried to be aware of all web, but lately, and not to sound super castor, but I've been doing college applications and stuff, and then enter my recurring visits INDAUTOR to see how the process of record my songs, and exams to study psychology preopedeuticos, basically I'm going nuts!
Even so, I swear I've missed you sit here alone with my loneliness and a half typing bullshit that comes to my mind, and if, as I have too much free time (so to speak) because I have no nothing to do, rather than these silly applications to universities ... We all thought that I would stay in the Elei, but after muxo consider and think a thousand times, I decided the best option is to study on Mexican ex, better tuition, shorter duration of the race, and Know What the say, the cheap is the best .. so, thats Exactly what im gettin folks!
As I said, these days I have too much free time incredible, thanks to these activities I felt like those old folks retired to take a walk every day to ensure that even still alive, so am I, I I swear!
I've developed a severe addiction and dependence on oprah, yes, that is ... over a million ... I have fallen into the charms of oprah! Now I know everything, but has become an icon, has become in my religion, I simply love ... hexo all started when Jose Elias, my best pal in da world, told me of a movie that came with Mo'Nique opraah (can not remember the name of the movie, but put Mo'Nique oprah google and there appears to them. ..) anyway, Elias was telling me about this movie, and I'm interested from the start because I'm a fan of Mo'Nique from charm school, and I was kinda cool that Oprah went about doing things, then I started research the film, and the next day, curiously, out of nowhere, I saw an oprah special Christmas ... yes, I know what they're thinking, was a sign from God .. I know ... and indeed, that day also saw the sandy bullock new movie, so lovely! .. anyway, I saw the 2009 Christmas special of oprah and I was fascinated, from there ran to their website and fell completely in your hands, What Can I Say? .. oprah STI .. and now I pull it on, I had been sending signals from long ago, that not long ago as two weeks ago, bought the third season of 30 rock, my favorite of my entire fucking life, I love it! ! osea wey, no, wait, liz lemon f rocks, dude! and a chapter there on oprah acts of hexo in this chapter oprah is the main role alongside Tina Fey, I mean, liz lemon, liz is supposed to be located oprah on a plane, and well ... I leave it there to see the episode you bastards!
Then, because it is so, these days I have been getting fatter I have a beard type forrest gump, yes yes, i kmow, but i totally Deserve It! i mean, years pass and finally finish high school! Something thats 2 Remember ... lol.
My current addictions are ultimately oprah, Glee, drop dead diva lady gaga and adam lambert ... Glee and drop dead diva, serial no mames osea no mames osea serial no, osea wow wow! 30 Rock and also no wait!, wooo! talking about addictions and forbidden themes! I saw the love ???!!!!!... adam lambert! woooooo !!!!!!!!! splendid !!!!! yeeeeeeeiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! adam lambert adore, I love it, love it love it !!!!... and remember that post I wrote a thousand years ago when he was still on american idol?? if fucking, yeah! I was and am one of his first fans at least here in Mexico that I learned of the muxo before all the controversy, I do not even know that is controversial, because i mean, Brit and Madge did the same in the mtv and nothing happened, so .. give me a fucking break! anyway, thanks to the miracle of cable TV I knew of the muxo before muxos nacos Out There already feel the maximum to have known splice adam, when I heard of the kiss or before any controversy around him, so leave freakin him alone, dude! ... But if, in short, i guess I is one of my addictions ..
Lady gaga ... i mean, doesn't Who loves lady gaga! and whoever says that is lying or is pansexual, lol! his new ep fame the monster, could have been better, but it is a great way to transition from their first album, which by the way !!!.. as a curiosity, adam lambert on his album, has composed a grounder gaga called fever, which is one of my faves on the album adam, I am also fascinated by What ya want from me, if i had you, the single that this now ... another? ... itself, I love the whole album, but as nothing in life is perfect, there's a song that i actually really, really hate ... is to ... mmm ... longer remember what it is called ... mmmm ... better go for my ipod ... is called a sure fire winners! Gosh i hate That song for christ sake!
... I think that wander a bit, but hey, this summary is following:
. I finished high school!
. In January I go to uni, the Mexican ex
. Do not be afraid, I will continue making music, though so far I have not written anything because I have writers block ..
. My recommendations, as each year of 2009 are:
Adam Lambert.
Lady Gaga.
Oprah. ISBN: Red carpet suicide of perez hilton
. Youtube: Treviana channel, cyndi lauper tv, and obviously my channel !
(by the way, muxa people said to me that I have not twitter and FB, let me tell ya something, i hate social networks! So just log on here if ya want to read my shit, girl!)
. Movie: cameron diaz where the care of a dead woman, lol and coconut before chanel.
. Music: by, I think 3rd year running, I recommend the album Una Rosa Blu by Gloria Trevi, and new air, I recommend Adam Lambert, lol
. Tv series: 30 Rock .. duh! Glee entourage and drop dead diva
xoxo, memo.
and by the way, merry christmas, have a nice life! : P
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