a couple of days ago, Magaly Medina brought us to mind the beautiful Gabriela Rivera, but of course This was mocking her and reminding her mistakes on television. Medina
labeled her one of the "brutality outstanding Peruvian television" and passed the video in which Rivera said the city Trujillo was white instead of Arequipa.
Well, these declarations have made Gabrielita send a letter to Medina and hinted that it may initiate legal action if the attacks continue.
The letter says: "Do not say wife because you're not for me. Reaffirm my statements made in the Journal of Cases Karla: I do not like your program or your style. Your business is the one show on television and that is not journalism anywhere in the world. I regret that a mistake remember more than ten years (when he said that Trujillo was the White City) and you know perfectly well that corrected at the time. But for you is the greater achievement obtained against me because thanks to video editing only emit what happened in seconds. However, there are worthy of putting a full video where I retract on what was said. "
Gabriela also reminded Magaly Medina, his time in jail:" I am one happy and fulfilled woman as wife, mother, entrepreneur and professional. No mistake in my life has led me to jail. Unfortunately, you can not say the same. How sad to know that you're still in business as usual, making money the only thing you can do: divide families and dishonor to the people. 're The one who attacked me, and I think you do from your own frustration and believe you the "fiscal nation ".
" For the first time you respond and defend myself against your attacks, so my lawyers in Peru are aware of this issue and proceed with legal action if you insist on damaging my image, "he Gabriela writing.
Magaly'll see what else responds on Monday, the day also promises to bring a Ampay remecerá
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