My first book is presented in society: It's called "The Myth of the century" and has never been edited or published by anyone until the day of the date. Today I share with you after a lot of people around me tell me how good it is. I do not know if it is a good or a bad book but it has great expressions of sincerity difficult to be found in trade books.
"The myth of the century" was written as intimate journal back in 2008. It's a large chunk of my life for the ideals that always held me over these first years of youth. There are many dark spots filled with a recalcitrant and aggressive Catholicism but was a survival tool. At that moment it seemed premature to deploy all my flags in a context we know how, politically correct. Catholic morality is not fashionable, nor was it two years ago but was always more acceptable than other doctrines truly revolutionary. It is logical that Marxism surrender the estate. Besides
religion as hue, there is a strong nationalism in my words but not as direct as what is manifest today in this page. My intention in writing this book was to transcend the strictly nationalist circles or juveniles to let me know among people of different positions. Obviously I failed because my book was not read by almost anyone but people in close relationships to me. I think not worth paying for the publication of a book if you know and you're not supposed comrades willing to read the truth. What gives me the anger of Argentine nationalism is not to be ignored but that all literature is shelved. I really think that drug addicts, drunks and promiscuous sex are ruining the nationalistic ideals around the world. There are many who see a movie and believe that patriotism is the example to follow. Gross. Are unable to produce or process something worthy of an educated person.
Marxists and liberals are arrogant and conceited but have, generally better educated than those who call themselves nationalists or the like. Idiots do not know that patriotism does not go by hitting a fairy or an immigrant. These people ruined any possibility of dissident thought. Sometimes I think these teenagers are childish servers unaware of established capital. I think I hate most of that mob that the stockbrokers ...
"The myth of the century" was written as intimate journal back in 2008. It's a large chunk of my life for the ideals that always held me over these first years of youth. There are many dark spots filled with a recalcitrant and aggressive Catholicism but was a survival tool. At that moment it seemed premature to deploy all my flags in a context we know how, politically correct. Catholic morality is not fashionable, nor was it two years ago but was always more acceptable than other doctrines truly revolutionary. It is logical that Marxism surrender the estate. Besides
religion as hue, there is a strong nationalism in my words but not as direct as what is manifest today in this page. My intention in writing this book was to transcend the strictly nationalist circles or juveniles to let me know among people of different positions. Obviously I failed because my book was not read by almost anyone but people in close relationships to me. I think not worth paying for the publication of a book if you know and you're not supposed comrades willing to read the truth. What gives me the anger of Argentine nationalism is not to be ignored but that all literature is shelved. I really think that drug addicts, drunks and promiscuous sex are ruining the nationalistic ideals around the world. There are many who see a movie and believe that patriotism is the example to follow. Gross. Are unable to produce or process something worthy of an educated person.
Marxists and liberals are arrogant and conceited but have, generally better educated than those who call themselves nationalists or the like. Idiots do not know that patriotism does not go by hitting a fairy or an immigrant. These people ruined any possibility of dissident thought. Sometimes I think these teenagers are childish servers unaware of established capital. I think I hate most of that mob that the stockbrokers ...
"The myth of the century" is an ode to the real life, this book is not lust but praise is high ideal of being in a world where everything is no longer ...
The great myth of this century is the nihilism that increasingly moves among us. Through this letter I intend to demonstrate that religion, homeland, morality and good manners are eternal beyond whether or not a metaphysical character. I speak of my
life and its development in a country destroyed by the hypocrisy of an evil world. This attitude reflects a commitment to reality from a totally different from the writers of "Best-Sellers."
I'm consistent with my words because I do not think talk of the street from a cloud of double standards, I am of a slum but I have the will to get away from him ... I
Poet and Philosopher life of danger as geniuses such as Nietzsche, Goethe and Wagner live in my natural setting and without artifice. Alan
for ...
My recent months
What I can tell from my recent past? I worked in a cleaning company and promoter of the "Circle of Readers" and in both cases suffered from labor exploitation.
My heart has exploded by the pressure exerted on the same corrupt patterns of this system feel how worthy a job where one is constantly denigrated? Being Argentine
increases my anger at seeing foreigners - Zionists included - enjoy the privilege of "non-discrimination." This false law excludes me me and my countrymen heterosexuals do not "accept" what for centuries was unacceptable.
Promoting the worst elements of a state is destroyed indirectly to those sectors that can bring you. Through the class struggle and contempt for educated people, you get the potential cancellation of the ruling class of the Nation ...
To argue my words, I tell them that when I cleaned monotonously supermarket facilities abroad, my former colleagues burlabanse me to notice that my conversation was incompatible with theirs. "What are you doing here? What are you?" The man worship? "They told a choir who envied me.
The worst of the situation was that imaginabanme living a luxurious life when I like them as proletarian. It is frightening to think that there are people without any effort intended to bring the good life who has worked a lot.
The same contempt notice in my neighborhood for those we dodged the well worn debate about football. Who does not get a club T-shirt is branded as sick and even abroad ...
I am sorry to think that a country about to celebrate its bicentennial think your national being limited to a sport that has no century of professional history. I can not understand and do not want to cost me my indifference ...
People sleep in the arms of the TV with a lullaby tune, makes you forget all that ails the collective health of the Nation ...
Reina Cristina Kirchner says the work is left to be that cheap labor from abroad moved to the local working class. Will the master thief of Our Minds considered and Argentine those who are not?
is becoming more difficult to feed, and yet the State does nothing to prevent the great mass of people are poorer by vices such as drugs, alcohol, gambling and prostitution. On the contrary, they encourage these nasty evils by the mockery of morality and decency.
hurts seen as millions of fellow living parasitically on the backs of those who work. Those of you that I am ashamed are the same who worship the Government provider of your laziness.
With these human resources is impossible to develop a production model that does not carry the label "Third World." If the ideological and cultural struggles are not and industrial production should not expect anything other than this system of "Bread and Circus."
"flattering your opponent's flaws than their virtues conseguis disappear," possibly one day reward me for having shown the formula in this sentence that condemns us ...
If the violence in football is a sign of "Argentina", it remains to be resigned to that Mass of beer and singing profane vulgar. Is this the way to commune with the best of ourselves?
every day looking for a future road, leaving my resume everywhere, await the arrival of a change in my life. I wish to work in a clean and safe and then complete the day studying at a site identical conditions in terms of hygiene and safety.
The above items will be highlighted as I had to suffer their lack in my previous jobs. Suffice it to say that a semi-literate joke no better than throw a dead rat in my face.
That traumatic experience in the building I thought of that foreign supermarket always gives you more inflation ...
With regard to insecurity, I must tell you that the "Circulo de Lectores" worked to the weather being threatened by neighbors who did not want to belong to this vicious circle. The unfortunate thing was that my bosses would not understand the collective psychosis following the rash of thefts experienced by Argentina ...
The issue of crime is another deformity that our culture called "pintorezca." With the musical genres of Hip-Hop ", the" Reggaeton "and" cumbia villera, encourages young people to commit crimes and bad life ...
Millions and millions of men and women hear those noises degenerate spirit to those who mistakenly called it "musical genres." Within those millions, there are thousands who not only did not study or work but also steal ...
The picture says I give it away because the economy is just a product of morality. Having another set of values \u200b\u200bis not our situation would be different material?
know that what it is in schools, lack of order of merit, not build the future of the nation if not its destruction by the "Moral Relativism." This attitude is the sophist makes us, the young, vulnerable to passing fads taking the best of us.
I tell this story is born in a moving vehicle is not a pleasure trip to the vehicle being part of the transport chain dying ...
We Argentines call "collective" what the whites called "bus." My compatriots say it is our invention but I can not say so ...
From what I can talk about is amply travel conditions: Suffice it to say that is an unbearable torment by emissions of smoke inside the cabin and the nauseating smell of those dirty illegal immigrants ...
This new story takes place in the solitude of my home: My mother, peliteñida frivolous, is at the gym like the metrosexual for my brother. The difference is that the latter is believed the club Stallone in a neighborhood while our parent pretends to be Madonna in a more exclusive. Anyway, I thank God that my stepfather figure among the absentees to be working ...
Following my daily political line, I tell them that my house is not just a department but a vast complex (the largest in Latin America). Here anarchy because of ignorance of all authority ...
uneducated people pretending to be rebellious by advocacy of crime is the same that enriches the big sportswear brands. This mass of uneducated waging a class struggle unconscious denigrating the most are unaware that there is money in their pockets to buy more expensive phones.
young and wealthy people are known as "Chet / as" and are prosecuted for simply being born in a golden cradle. The word "Chet" derives from "Concheta" that people often labeled larger. "It's an old Concheta and daughter is a silly Concheta" evil tongues say smoke resentful envy. Going
case, I am poorer than my neighbors but I'm more educated than the rich. This contradiction is summed up in that I want the great mass of the people more educated through the solidarity of those who enjoy a good move: It is my doctrine brotherhood merge all classes in a national project for all Argentines ...
Mestizos who see Chavez continued Castroism training do not know that former military fascist Peron fan nor know the kind "French style" Sarkozy is by its origin, a Zionist incurable: Note how the lowest society forgets that his hero was a disciple of Seineldín well as some people do not know what its charismatic leader has for Palestine ...
Who remembers the retired Colonel Mohamed Ali Seineldin? I find it hard to say but this relation-Zionist and Falklands hero, was a political prisoner of a government that wanted a nationalist Staff Armed Forces ...
Appealing to the discourse of "human rights" have been punished more nationalistic sectors of the country for alleged links with "the crimes of the last military dictatorship" There have been excesses on the part of our armed forces should never be forgotten but not more than there was a formidable Marxist guerrillas triggered all this ...
This famous "theory of two evils" was the prologue the book "Never Again" by Ernesto Sabato and a commission of "notables" Argentines Hebe de Bonafini, head of the organization "Mothers of Plaza de Mayo", asked another prologue for "Memory Book" written by people their ideology ... That
propaganda manual describes the excesses of the "Process of National Reorganization" ignoring the atrocities committed by the children of the followers of Bonafini. Impartiality is absent once again demonstrating that the memory is not complete because "history is written by the victors."
May 2, 2008.
gentle Evening: This evening
tame and I come autumn many things to mind: The Melancholy of previous autumn, the memory of death and love and the bitterness of many disappointments ... Seeing
write in the solitude of a park, sientome good about myself to be consistent with my beliefs: I talk about the great outdoors inspired by the Latin proverb that teaches: "Mens sana in corpore sano" while I preach Patria by example ...
I do not theorize as Marxism on class struggle locking me in a pack of cigarettes on the table in a bar. Talkers who know nothing about the subject matter covered. What the People might know them if you have nausea?
Taking the teachings of Marx and Engels, Lenin honored them 60 years after these distorting them displayed in public, may fail in the number but nobody can deny the folly of that ideology whose implementation has taken decades ...
Mussolini - the son of a socialist family called him "Benedict" by Juarez - paid no attention completely on the left that saw him grow to surrender himself to the country of his birth. He created and brought fascism to power by demonstrating commitment to an ideal. "They are worth more than the beautiful and vain words radical and concrete action of Nationalism?
pompous speeches and "democratic" are the lies that the mob likes to listen: national action is the cause of those who live to fight.
Saturday May 18, 2008. Growing
shrinks naivety in me at the same time my credulity in the world does too. There are no more traces of that child caveman had fun with the TV ignoring the teachings of Plato ...
I'm not the same Alan who knew how to love your enemy to deny himself. Today I am ashamed of having given to the strength of that snake lying, pretending love in a hug, I pulled up to suffocate.
For the love of animals can one get killed by rats, snakes and vultures? Life convinced me that there is nothing positive to be a pessimist Schopenhauer ...
Not optimist who is deceived with the dogma of the closure but who, recognizing the tragedy of reality, trying to change. That is the real positive outlook for not aborting him with false ideas of real progress.
Sunday May 4, 2008. Popular
"What people do not have to be vulgar," says the proverb that identifies me today more than ever. Today could be in a bar watching the "Super Clasico" of Argentine football between River and Boca, and yet I am cursed with a hunger moneybags that punishes me their food internationally ... My place of torment
gold is a Restorante which entertains the niece of my stepfather for having completed University supported by their "daddies." Anger makes me think that I'll never have more support than that of God in my future academic life. What stands out is that my unfavorable position will give me the merits of one who begins below. Rate this book unforgettable
the original has been written with a pen, asking to be almost useless change: My rock mode of expression will always be art for Humanity and defeat for the avant-garde fashion. Judgments
indelebres have been recorded in my soul of a poet for people can be illuminated with the brilliance of my words, these drops of me they are not dialectical strong works of a life that has branded me with tears and sweats Old. .
My face bears the face of the people of Argentina with his expressions of nostalgia prisoners and slaves of false freedoms. In my face you draw a Nation project and frustration sadly unfinished concrete.
These penalties are the joys of the future because today I fight and make war so that tomorrow we can live in peace. My belligerent nationalism is not unique to my country because my flag is raised when war eagle free all the peoples ... And the free
meet World "The great people of Argentina!" to be emancipated from all forms of imperialism through an ideology that does not yield to capitalist and "leftists." This is the National Revolution of a country that, by cutting chains that bind nations, get that they are happy in their sovereign soil.
Who wants to be free in a world of slaves, have the universal mission to defeat the dark forces of evil power dirty. With these reasons, I dare say that a person who is self-love, will benefit while those beings who let themselves be killed by the curse of cultural emptiness.
Following this line of statements and restatements, I say without hesitation: If all the villagers are pooled for a high and noble ideal, and not talk about village but a person with names such as Palestine, Germany and Argentina.
This doctrine was given to me conviction to ensure the future of future generations building them on strong traditions. Taking the example of heroic fighters, our descendants may develop in a morally sound. Those
sophists who relativize all have, oddly enough, an Absolute Principle: The Absolute Principle is to relativize the ideas of others and then imposing their own in anticipation of the Antichrist.
Antichrist is a messianic leader product of a social phenomenon and not a purely spiritual will. Maybe he already is ruling us Perolo refuse to think the worst has not arrived yet ...
With that the "could be worse" we are accustomed to perpetual suffering a stoic passivity very own past. These ideas are adopted by mediocre strong without one, and in need of loving more than one creature is a dragon that spit fire forever. Who
oppression meekly accepted the first hit does it for fear of being killed because of their resistance. These men without virility is delivered to the indignity of being effeminate existential only to preserve an existence that no longer is yours ...
Some people may think that my philosophy is closer to Nietzsche than to "Social Doctrine of the Church" but I say that when faced with the moral earthly and unearthly morality morality will ultimately win. I'm just
who has previous works under light and get everything ready for his return: If you ever take the spear that pierced Our Lord Jesus Christ will by granting him and not because I have done some action Santa and meritorious ...
These truths lead me to think about the crazy breed Parsifal. He took the glory in their hands always be Holy. It is known that he grew away from the weapons they took from his father in developing and fortifying other virtues of innocence. One of them was a chastity that was filled with very powerful energy ...
He who does not wear on base passions keeps all his forces for the most important struggles whose victories are heavenly. That being ascetic embodies quality maximum purity of not mixing with worldly vanities.
I speak passionately about such important figures as my goal is to write "the Gospel according to Alan." I am aware that thousands of battles in his heat forced me to mature, but never had the Pope to be worthy of the altar.
I speak of the genius who came back saying that his miracles. If anyone could not find his remains may mean that the talent was once finished its task Why leave the body that evidence of human ingratitude and abuse?
To ascend to Valhalla and Wotan must get to fall in battle thus attracting all the Valkyries. Through martyrdom, the gods gather over beings worthy of heavenly abodes. Why is this chapter of Norse mythology resembles both a Christian? He threw
illusions to Heaven and will crush heavy frustrations Put a reality over another and you will touch the sun with both hands having the feet on a ladder inderrumbable ...
The realities that I mean not those who were lied to distract the world, I talk about permanent situations as experienced by the man in the wake of the original sin of their existence ...
Watching the film "Matrix" in an objective, you will realize that it is the perfect allegory of the system to be creating those who manage it all: It is not surprising that the apparatus we insert world domination the virus of rebellion through fantastic "Best-Sellers" are attacked by our antibodies thus prohibiting any future proliferation of independent thought ...
What I explained above is the World Vaccination Plan Conspiracies: We injected a bit of truth something of activating antibodies filled our credulity and common sense '. When the sane human being systematically attacked every conspiracy theory of crime, the wise rulers get their lens from which to plan against him.
He said a Muslim on such blockbuster films as: "It is inspired by the Quran because Allah in our holy book says that in this life always we blindfolded. "Christianity says the same thing to say that the world is an enemy of the spirit of lying on the priorities that it should have. I say that the cosmopolitan ideas are that numb our brain to more easily seize our body supplier of goods ...
Displaying the last part of the trilogy "Matrix", one is surprised to learn that his character was not just a system chosen for the perpetuation of the same, within a society are illusions that draw their figures "revolutionary" to those who have the audacity to think different. An example of rebellion is commercially exploited on t-shirts with the faces of popular idols ...
The people think politically active merchandising ideas consuming walls rusted and fallen. Power is great for the existence of these offenders of good taste because the leaders know that a few young drugged lousy and can do nothing more than playing the guitar without taking the stage. By registering
dubbed "crazy" to individual has been crucified to all the geniuses of this world: The paradox is that the insane claim to be geniuses and thus avoid the crucifixion being claimed by a mob who prefers Barabbas rather than Jesus ...
hailed an evening Mass to those who visit and the next week keeps the flowers and change them by spitting for him who had been cheered by her seven days before, this phenomenon known as "political patronage" is thousands of years old and can, through the base metal, filling the streets of popular clamor or dissatisfaction. Machiavelli
rejoices in his grave knowing that his "Prince" is still relevant. People think that "Machiavellian" is synonymous with malignant paqrecido sound is not the case. Italian place that told the truth and nothing but the truth ...
Morality is sidelined in the political treaty entitled "The Prince." I, on the contrary, I am a conservative moralist, but I am aware that my duty is to know your opponent to beat. Penetrate these mysteries of the logic employed by the architect of the universe and its builders is just devastating ...
The Pueblo people do not know who the architect is not just a vain who wants to usurp the building to its owner. You see the tree in front of our eyes without being able to look after the forest ... Here is a teaching
Desolation: The dough is always to be shaped by any hand to find even if he is black, dirty and rough. In order to better mold material so fragile, you need a steady hand is not bound to what plays constantly.
Not to be dismissive of most but can not say anything more than this: Humanity is like a puppy that runs all day behind his tail, is the slave of a vicious cycle that allows another animal smarter take food from her plate while she is still looking for his tail how stupid can.
It's hard to say but my pessimistic doctrine contributes to the common good of humanity. He needs to be because before Nietzsche and Wagner, Schopenhauer had already raised the absurdity of it all. Knowing that we are in darkness when others think that all is light, we reach the true Sun unbeaten as they do not be fooled by the fire that burns.
This was all for today: Does God and the Virgin are always with you ...
Monday May 5, 2008.
The changing pulse of life and feel from the prelude to it. A project already exists unfulfilled dream conceived as a regulated ...
silence as music and a romantic and mystic muse write these lines for me, the universe of my ideas experienced a steady expansion in the vacuum light of these leaves ...
A tenor voice with me this evening alone. I'm not sure I said that talented man but he does not know how grateful I am for the precious gift that gives me wisdom ...
woke up with the nostalgia of a former student and watched the blue sky and my room cluttered with an indescribable look. The window gave me my room the morning and showed me the mess in my life. When it was over the ritual of memorial in the temple of memory, I realized that it had finished that beautiful stage of adolescence. With peace
spent the rest of my time occupied by banal routines and shower, breakfast, lunch, cleaning my house and some other tasks. Past all these things, I read a few pages of Cervantes while listening to "Tristan and Isolde" ...
sorry to have left dozens of resumes and no one has called me. Sometimes I think it was in vain to have finished secondary school to be that uneducated people living parasitically devouring the state from within. These harmful servers themselves are known as gnocchi. " This is the name of a paste eat 29 of every month, when displayed these "ghost workers" to claim wages for not worked even one day ...
I am distressed to see me away from college for lack of funds. It is true that state universities are totally free but nine years since I've seen my father and my mother would be unable to give me a few months of "tolerance." Neither do I pretend to be able to study without working ...
What does the government do for me? Nothing! What do I do for my country? Nothing! If you do not give useful tools to work for the good of the national community is forced to the paralysis which I call "lazy involuntary. "
There scourges for participating in official events and to serve groups of Democracy shock receive a salary that could well be up to me to play a necessary task for others. Apparently, the law of least effort can more ...
Only the strong survive in the kingdom of men, but among the worms do not. Nothing but shameless need who infects a previously healthy body.
Wednesday May 7, 2008.
Forever More :
I am the embodiment of White Power and my duty as Light of the World is to defeat the black darkness of evil. It's very dark but enough to lead a people in a cave ...
Life gives us beautiful afternoon to show us that the death of the hero is born the people with his statement: Three in the afternoon, dark earth and a genius who was dying to show all his idealistic folly ... Tanta
plain green seems to deny that there's Hell Night. Do not know the treetops when the sun goes down they will never be the same ...
When all the men we go into the bowels of the earth and the sun is just him Will there really no one to acknowledge its existence? Or is sublime existence does not need the affirmation of mortals?
For something there has to happen before our eyes living for love between two people is the same as killing a third in contention. Yet there is love to kill and give life to a relationship!
What we're mediocre! Envy does not let us accept the happiness of others because we do not have what others should not have it ...
When I see a handsome man and a woman beautiful mother of beautiful children, I feel the bitterness of lonely self does not even have the social level. I'm not jealous because I think the good life and I will touch me and I'll play it. Meanwhile, my youth passes without love or containment ...
My only consolation is the hope for the rebirth of my country. For this I have met young idealists who think like me ...
Thursday May 8, 2008.
interrupted my story because I met my friend Javier Carli. He gave me the novel of her own "In search of the truth." I say this to encourage reading that good book that I ate yesterday: Short but not devoid of emotion and romance. Omitting
continue advertising the work of my colleague, I tell them it's autumn, however, show me without a shirt under a spring sun itself. It seems ironic, but my house is cooler than the very weather that challenge the bare-chested ...
In vain I brought the diver "Oxford" the neck "v" if I am not an English university, in vain camperita I brought the American way if the weather does not require its use ...
I'm sweating and feel the youthful desire to own of the beginning of summer. All these things show us that "global warming" exists only in our hearts. In the former Burma
killed thousands of people in the wake of a cyclone and Chile volcano "Chaiten" erupted spewing ashes up to where I am today: This happened only a week ...
return to the topic yesterday: Everything exists but in different ways for each, the door is closed you will face is that before you opened your neighbor and the sun bothers to albino delights the young man who believes if needed when plant photosynthesis ...
What for some is a miracle, for others it is unexplained random, what for many is fortunate for many others it is fate ...
For Marxists, God is a human invention, for me, anarchists and communists are the sewer rats outputs of Hell ...
important thing is that God exists to be denied to be asserted. I know you, postmodern people, they weigh these issues, "old fashioned" but know that I do not deny the roots of our Western Christian society and learn their own history!
Giving example of life and its misrepresentations, here is one: A loving intercourse can mean pleasure generate life or outraged women terrible pain. In any case, the irrefutable fact is that human beings have gifts to love others or destroy them according to their intentions ... The worked-
literature eros love and postmodernism condemns him to be chimera harboring low and fleeting passions: "Chamuyo" is told in these latitudes to the art of seduction vulgar (perhaps I should not say "art" but "deception consent ").
Today I read in "Don Quixote" as a young man named Fernando put aside his wife to take away legitimate and condemning others to the ultimate insanity. This story is repeated again and again with the instinct under the guise of love ...
All those compliments older than Italian Crucifix have no other duty than that of the silly fool always with the same ingenuity of old, Formerly a Roman fainted without knowing that their many descendants would suffer the same "hot" she .. .
Today I regret my loneliness, not knowing if I will not even descendants or not. I would like to start a dynasty, pray for existential ego, vanity or by a posthumous ... I would like a shield
own my last name I have as an eagle three-headed center, swords, laurels, "Cruz de Malta", Bandera Argentina and Fire. Some will say that asking a painting instead of a coat of arms ...
It is impossible to trace my genealogy remote for even me to know if this name or another but I know I want to start "something" from me. I have kept this idea in my soul long as my family always felt that it lacked any kind of nobility or tradition ...
never sought the wealth of King Juan Carlos of Spain but I always wanted, beyond my poverty, pride in belonging to a family with all the letters and not this circus of "the" joint family ": A Mother liberal, absent father, a stepfather addicted to TV, an illiterate grandmother, another Barcelona paternal grandmother, a grandfather in the hereafter and a grandfather of Germanic origin that did not recognize my mother, is the result to be born "spic" ... Hate
TV programs and movies portray us how mestizos U.S. carbenes when in fact we are as South Africa: A white minority surrounded by tribes culturally backward ...
is clear that the U.S. white population has a big advantage over exporting countries of immigrants: The "Yankee", like the Jew, has cohesion as a nation ...
The countries of Latin America except Argentina and Uruguay, lack a unifying ethnic criterion. Countries such as Bolivia with an indigenous majority discriminatorily condemn white minority. Why Santa Cruz wants autonomy? While there are antagonisms
ethnic countries in the so-called "Third World", there will be no development whatsoever; that nucleus of people who are more cultured and civilized, must dominate over the mass ...
Going back to "spic," I'm sorry for being so grown for the People treat me crazy. I love my country but I know nobody is prophet in his land and less in a hostile and closed to the divine message of salvation cultural ...
is obvious that the heat "spic" prevents thinking why my story was better stylistically as it develops? Because it was lowering the temperature!
Argentina's new capital must have its Ushuaia to avoid Chilean forward and start a new civilization there, Rosario, Cordoba and Buenos Aires will not lose it so attractive to empty will be most beautiful cities ...
name first to Rosario because there was raised for the first time the national flag, then I named Córdoba because it was always the shadow of Buenos Aires ...
In the future there will be no more fighting between locals and provincial absurd because the South will be our North. There will be Argentina, the southernmost country of the World ...
Saturday May 10, 2008.
The night we love never exceeds virgin moments ago, a powder magical language and we fell asleep woke us the worst instincts ...
We are awake while the city sleeps. The system rests with one eye always looks at the heroes of the Revolution Night "...
Slaves reset some of its energy while we, the unemployed, marginal spent nights of comradeship and illusions. We passed the life and death comes when unexpected frustration ...
We are strangers in our land and live as parochial in our hometown. What nobody knows is that the dark is light and vice versa ...
A lady in mourning with me near the cafe "Tortoni" Our whole tradition is today show to foreigners and derision for the same Creole ...
Are we bitter? Perhaps we deserve to be called so, but warn that those who built the Pyramids in Egypt today destroy humanity without mercy ...
A woman laments and a male does not stay back, "I do not believe more in love," the exponent of moderate feminism while my companion speaks of platonic love ...
speak my fellow diners and I transcribed his dialogue in the twenty-first century art. This is my century as the former was Borges ...
Goethe owned the nineteenth century and now I appropriated these first hundred years of the Third Millennium. " I pray to God to raise them in a drama Shakespeare I type ...
Today our country is an actress in theater cheap globalization. The goal that is proposed by my struggle is to end this comedy laugh HACA the world.
Argentina has to be lyrical drama for herself and not a mockery of sages who know little of our pain. Penalties, penalties least, my companions follow the thread of this Old. suffered and lamented that it does not more ...
He regrets having been a comrade loneliness hidden places of our country that deserved to be enjoyed at two, I regret to me because it was always a lonely city rat. All lament and beer and can not comfort anyone ...
And so ends my sad toil in these lines may bohemians re-emerge more strongly at some times, the night we never exceeds his love virgin ...
May 15, 2008.
Present Absence:
not write these days because the work has come as expected, on Monday I met with people from a major multinational doomed the sale of fuel ...
I'll be dispensing fuel and not ashamed because shame is reserved only for the lazy. I'm not one of them and so I walked and walked across town to find a job that dignify me as a human ...
On Tuesday I did the medical examination and today, Thursday, I got the news that everything is fine and tomorrow I start working. Maybe I will not have much time to you, dear readers, but I'll turn great care in my future compositions ...
not quit reading because she is a great travel companion and writing about I will spend the short time left me free. Living divided between work and study I can better avoid meaningless existential depression ... Building
my future years going to college, I will have the title becomes a bourgeois scholar airhead. It is known that any dumb blonde may be licensed in anything just by merit of annual enrollment and monthly fee (the oral examination is a separate issue) ... Leaving the Sun
enlighten, I can only withdraw from this old park is the work of Carlos Thays: The French Landscape put in your mind this lake that I have before me today ...
The chill, proud to be Argentine invention, denies that we are in autumn but the early sunset is clear that spring. With these and other prints, I retreat to my home with the hope of eternal return in these wise words ...
Dedicated to Carlos Thays ...
On behalf of the poet who enjoyed
of many urban landscapes.
Saturday May 24, 2008. Fully
A an hour from May 25, come back to me the stories of the Town Meeting in 1810 proclaimed the first National Government of our infant Republic. This foundation brings me joy proper to the Freedom ...
in the same bar as always I hope my comrades to toast another year of Patria May God give us many more years! Using historical revisionism
people at my table, I come to the conclusion that history is written by the victors to force propaganda and "Lamentations." No stone was left unturned, yet, "the Wailing Wall" continues to spread by the grace of the Gentiles ...
We, sons of Spain, we like women skinned but not those carrying the men by the nose by the will of the Sanhedrin. Caiaphas has many pagans who serve him in his Solomonic wisdom lacking ... That it should come
has already come and gone for the son of the pastor says "God is dead." What I never knew that "Super Man" is that he who is coming in the form will return and not the first time ...
Wait, wait for the Messiah and the Antichrist will wait for he who has come into this world going worse than Socrates. Time will come when evil will in the dusty novelty luciferin the most expensive sold at discount prices ... Super deals
who knows he has little time to sell their filth before the market owner back to a review of what is lacking greatly. Absent the Lord and vassal disgraced has no better idea to convert the house into a den of thieves and business in a conspiracy ... At this Rengle
I can dedicate this paragraph and the following the parade of "Grenadier" who passed along Avenida de Mayo playing their instruments with full patriotic devotion. Why did they start to march where it all began - the Plaza de Mayo - to finish in Congress - Parliament parasite -?
Across the square are the Cabildo and diagonally to the Cathedral is located. What's in the Parliamentary Palace and its surroundings? There thieves, prostitutes and merchants of the coveted white death ... Purity
not ideal but this lady has in his entire zeal to destroy the youth. Not all that glitters is gold and every woman is weak ...
Sad start like a holiday but I am compelled to the severity to see that there is nothing to celebrate except me is resentful passion in my lyrics. I give them so much they give me everything without me she asks ...
fatigue I went on but work with me to take her in my body disposed to multinational capital. Alan you can rely on for more than this world to be touched by his poetry ... Brief
Be patriotic but not come to fanaticism;
What binds you to your country is a very strong bond,
ignite a fire that never fades,
a flame burning with passion ...
That which unites you to your homeland
and is so strong,
is responsible for stepping on his enemies with honor;
that honor is worth
and value that is unmatched honor
it exceeds all bounds;
lose track of time,
you do not feel heat, cold or pain
since all you're looking for revenge ...
say that revenge is bitter
but I find that I like ...
If I have to defend this country
will do with all the intelligence and strategy
effort to ensure the victory of the place I
provided food, warmth and home
the second half of my life, this country
kept me up and never left me ...
Stasik, son of a country that no longer exists ...
May 25.
The inscription above came from the heart of a Russian who met at the same bar as always ...
is moving Stasik's attitude by saying "son of a country that does not exist." He knows better than I that your nation is subjugated by foreign interests that are far from being yours ...
love this bar that allows me to meet wonderful people. God wanted to buy vodka today without knowing that I would share it with anyone who so is accustomed to its effect ...
I'm drunk but heaven gives me the gift of speaking ...
Sunday 1 June.
Drinking and Sobriety among white dark about things, "darkies" and "Gothic" when if they were chatting animatedly recalling past existences living dead ...
bohemian atmosphere worn wood covered with psychedelic paintings and make the warm atmosphere that protects me this morning. Anglo Music joins the hemispheres freezing the eternal rivalry ...
'm alone in a crowd and satisfied between renegades. Perhaps the chronic insanity instinct opposition bring them ... Loco
I like to cut sanity so sick. Being the most unusual sense of the senses, may be that I am so right that I may not be a citizen of "Decline" ... Each passer
interrupting my walk I say "Sir, tell me" and he says "me" proving to be tame sheep when creating wolf. Men create their status as well as breathing is to believe are indispensable to exist ...
tell me that it was someone who once stood between us. Coward dropout who left without even saying "goodbye" ...
There are many who speak only to confirm the sad refrain that says "Words are blown away." I, as a poet, but unfortunately I hate that phrase people are very volatile as the autumn leaves ...
The environment in which I condemned the high-low so he spat. I do not judge him but I am of the opinion that we do not abandon your friends ... Attitudes
there that are not worthy of mention because of the obvious human misery, there are also attitudes of grandeur as to obviate the offenses but leave a comrade is serious, very serious ...
After taking a few shots of drowsiness, I feel that everything remains the same but turned. Perhaps the reality is a palindromic number without rationale or motivation any ...
All things pass, yet, they stay forever as one speaks of "Eternal Return." It is inevitable philosophizing and being that children and drunks always tell the truth ...
Life seeks to death when they fail to be reflected in painful desires. The pleasures are so soft that simulate the stillness of the tomb while the torments make us feel that there is a unique way ... So many twists and turns
not worth it since one started the engine at the end of the trip. When the person is in the same place of departure, never feels that being stepped walked both to go around the world ... Both
part from us while the eternal return makes us slaves of strange sensations that are hard to describe: Melancholy and joy mingle in this depressing and unconscious happiness begging to be fed daily with satisfaction ...
Nobody has the power of belligerence that I have, and yet all speak disparagingly of this book as a vain diary. Think what you want it bad is they do not think that those who deride this writer ...
Air is the most unnoticed in our lives, however, is similar to water and fire for the essentials. Those simple things are those that involve more complex by the degree of vital importance ...
Following the previous thought, I say that purity is simplicity and that true utopian idealism seeks to restore only the most difil of love for their level of daily life; environmentalism well summarizes what I say ...
also national pride avoids the complex plots of the International System "Almighty" to find peace in a flag outside of Wall Street economists. Experience shows that man is the bane of his free will ...
The system is nothing but man's eternal obsession for finding the best way to be lost. People would say Schoppenhauer are tired of endless happiness as only speaks of life in agony ...
Continue this story is an honor for me because I know that you delight in reading me despite not knowing who was the man who named it. Someday I will nominate myself and many do not know who I was ...
is said that great things are done without their craftsmen know their future importance to me but I say so superbly to have the humility to know that I am a disciple of the great. Who admits being a student of a great poet will one day say with pride: "The student surpasses the teacher." There
"the unbeatable" but that wants to imitate them to feel less alone or to prove his love to those who look. It's strange but the deity that embodies all humbled by reason of being seen by all men ...
As I write this, the cold polar surprise me at the door of the bar watching a friend is drunk in a taxi. Why
always drunk problems when we can be sober? Answer ...
There is no reason to justify our behavior as a saint and said, "We like the washed sow returning to the mud or like but it returns to its vomit." Perhaps people are dirty because they know that washing of contaminated dirt to return to in vain ...
This fear of being clean for when the new dirt prevents physical health, moral and national levels. I redouble the bet is no courage who remains in his filthy cave, but who dares to escape out the trash hereditary ... Citations evangelical
numbered left to the pedantic Protestant biblical scholars who do not have nothing else to popularize the sacred cause ringing on Sunday playing the morning: I, as a man of letters, also recognize God in the profane ...
Friday 6 June. Nature
curves gives the mirror and reflections of human acts ... Write
after leaving a bit of an elusive dream of mine is a custom ... Story
very short but sensual being that the occasion warrants, between each turn there is a right way of letters ...
The pleasure ...
Wednesday 11 June.
strong ideas:
Today life gives me the ex after much work: I take this opportunity to find out a year earlier about my college life ...
write these letters in a university building that, God willing, I will graduate in triumph. Obviously I want to look for fuel load is not my vocation ...
Saturday June 14, 2008.
Among friends:
Sideways friends of my mouth comes this girl is proud of its tender father. A sheet is a paper airplane launched at the same time, the tyrant will not stop my inspiration ever since the body will go through the hourglass ...
My pen writes on the walls of the future while my heart beats for the blood shed in previous centuries. Vanguard is my romantic idea of \u200b\u200bresurrecting the past centuries in the future for this to show our human divinity of the eternal present ...
after slavery our everyday, quitome the brow so thick that is mixed with diesel. News from the Field invade my city and I, in my creative leisure, I avoid all kinds of confusion, Argentina is just as I am a writer and worker at a time ...
"Divide and conquer" the saying which obey the wise elders. "Unite and conquer" is the slogan that I thought to counteract the subtle forces of organized chaos.
Will is strong enough to be and to be. One who lacks physical strength and character must leave the world of eternal competition to resign ghastly to a state of total disability ...
The vast majority of human beings lie prostrate while waiting for the ultimate death. Those who do not live in constant awareness die each other's decisions ...
Perhaps few of us think so but we're not little because the truth has set us free in a time dominated by the weakness of the mediocre. Non-hierarchical nature is only zoo and a world of equals is not without reason that a transcendental Pangea ...
If we are all equal, we are all poor because the masses do not have the power to escape from this disqualification. Most people do not choose but that are poisoning their lives attributing false freedoms ...
A sporting event there is only one winner as well as on a podium does not fit more than 3 winners. In the wit and rhetoric is not secret because life gives us a marathon to see what the best people in the world.
The men fought from the maternal womb to exist because we want to live life to death as well as patients seeking drugs to burst ...
Happiness comes from knowing that I know nothing because the shed is to take limited materialistic conceptions of infinite intangibles buying immeasurable space. Who has a globe to turn and end up in this place that our hand has stated? The world spins while the index finger of willful it allows ...
The vanguards of yesteryear and boasted: "We are at the forefront of the future." I, being more aggressive, I say: "I, Alan, I am in the rear of my opponent defeated." Turning
indelible table, the latter become the former. In the eyes of those who get worked to the humiliated warrior
defeat is victory over the calm of the effeminate. These statements are part of my transmutation of the securities or in other words, return to the source ...
Fatigue weakens my body exploited by international capital strengthens my soul but increasingly those ideas of freedom that I get blood and fire. Be stopped in this paragraph but know you, good reader, I am more and more on his mind since my trips are nothing more than endless laps.
June 21, 2008.
cold winter came quickly while they went for me all the troubles of the hermit. Being away from the mob summer there is no reason to feel bad ...
Dark places, music by Depeche Mode and a couple of drinks, strengthen my most tender feelings. Slave labor is a cemetery of the living and leisure Greek is awakening and resurrection miracle ...
degenerate species still persist in their habits spoiled, as every action has a reaction, I threw puffs fire to distant corners of popular delusion ... I suffer
reactionary evil deeds and I am too intolerant to be tolerated. Whoever denies my feelings is not the voice of the people but the worker with gold teeth and 2 storey home ...
No death can befall a warrior eagles before I'm already hunting for snakes and mice. The other day, magnanimous vision, they were in my defense ... Half day
fatal besieging armies fighting for my land holy and profane, Unmatched race to define whether or not I'm ... I reaffirm
events in life as a country wants arrefléctico swallowed in its severe drowsiness Sunday. Strength, force and more force is threefold repetition that gives open closed perfect record ...
fruitful solitude is value in thoughts of love and abandonment is the mass of screaming in trouble for no reason. These are words that slipped by seeds sown in my grimy hands flammable ...
My fist is my beat is fire and death of false labor. He walks penguin confused as Tierra del Fuego in the wind and without Santa Cruz in Patagonia alienated ...
do not mean anything in particular I am speaking all at the same time I was the leitmotif of all worlds. It is not egotism but for those not being in the world, all self-preservation takes the sign of narcissism ... Power Grab
is lead towards self because the forms of language rarely keep their hands free, when these are threatened of being tied up, fists are mutating hits firms that draw the Independence ...
"This government has so many lights that open the head by the heavy wisdom fall from heaven, but the reason for the Village halves the skull of a Democracy is overwhelming because" this is a message I sent to a friend cellular pathway.
The victim of political patronage is the people you see false light before dying. It is sad but the notes are footnotes placed by the facts that clarify my allegories (a young man was crushed by a lamp that fell on his face in the historic Plaza de Mayo, the deceased was supporting the Government in a ceremony to bribe the will of the masses) ... Less
size I am seeing that more and decadent while a woman is raped 40 million Argentines, two girls talk about wanton lust degradation measures. Could this be the pair to show me the worst of the "weaker sex"?
When will this woman so full of me to say: "you exist and I am a mirror to give a true reflection? This question gnaws me when I eat my appetite hormone ...
People come to the bar and I keep my cunning saliéndome reach myself in a full flight of agile elevation, is an athlete from Greece who goes up as Super Man earthly heaven but momentous decisions ... Concentrated power is multiple
as the genius of a people is classical music Master Universal Arts basted in a philosophy amazing how the light that wakes in the morning. I hope to be dawn stand up and stop light is not a dream that has to be resumed ...
Sunday June 2, 2008.
The stakes:
After a Creole lunch and street, there is anxiety in me who has to return to prison after transient output, in less than an hour start to wield the fuel tanks empty to kill invaders customers ...
"The customer is always right "I said several times, is that reason is synonymous with money and, if so, young workers always have reasons to refute people who are so wise ...
A new spirit of austerity and purity must be embodied in the body of this sick society that riding in a car because they can not walk one km without tiring, all this progress is worse because the collective health suffers a setback without limits ...
worth more 33 years 90 years strong and no in mock agony as life expectancy. Gone are the young warriors instead be occupied by a parasite ...
Before age old, which were few, were wise they reached the "third age" person healthy, today is the geezer dementia since his youth he was lazy and sedentary bourgeois ... Following
my dialectical opposites, I tell you that today I went out before work but yet I'm more dedicated now than before. Why? Is that I love to write and why I leave everything that I reserve my job ...
You want ... work for something that is not your thing just to pursue what really likes ... Knowing the city
imprisons me with fuel dispensing station, I can tell you that the transportation of the future is nothing less than the bike. While it is organic generates physical and mental wellbeing of the sport itself ... To
Wear long-distance trains but for a few kilometers, put the blood drive as a futuristic ideal. After centuries of industrialization, mankind in its eternal return trip understands that death ends a contaminant of where life begins.
Planet needs this Christianity that is subsequent to Bush, the notion that Nature is the slave of man by divine is totally wrong. Typical of the selfish is to create sects to justify their ignorance by false gospels ... Consider that religion
beyond metaphysical issues, finds its symbolism and how people who profess it, while the Bavarians hear "Parsifal" reading "Faust" Argentines Camping 10 days in the Church of San Cayetano, instead of looking for work ...
is that the Bread and Work are fully dignified by a superior culture. Therefore, if we want a society of pick and shovel, solidly substantiating need books ...
useful work is rewarded not with money but with high culture, the recruitment industry superfluous mass worker / consumer of the vulgar "TV addicts."
society of the future will be rural, closed and moralistic; only way to counteract centuries of vain cosmopolitanism. This has only to lose the nationalities in the game "Capitalism versus Communism."
Recently, at the end of paragraph predecessor of today, I saw the passage of a train whose passengers insulted me for no reason. This, the Company's Money, is hypocritical demagogue and empty of all content of elevation.
There was only going to Mass and pray with arms for the conversion of the heathen worshipers of "Saint Death" Crushing the vulgarity of the masses is getting a new religion.
I'm going but I warn that if not annihilate the evil and their hosts, they become our consciences in their war booty immoral and unchristian. See you, readers of Western art.
Monday June 30, 2008. Final
: Under a tree
finished these words that encapsulate a lifestyle. Being consistent with my beliefs, I can not gentrify in a cafe of high society to end rambling on the Third World. " My day off duty
sees me working constantly going from one place to another: Morning instantly cashed and spent a sixth of my salary provisions. After noting inflation, had lunch and went to buy books ...
Now I am awaiting a call from a friend while writing this only out of duty. My body needs to devour the bed tired but my soul knows that a weekly rest should not be missed ...
Today is my day off but I am a prisoner of trouble for not knowing that has been my friend. I can not wait to see him in a hug of friendship and tell the details of this work dedicated to him.
The embodied nature of a forest in the city helps me relax after walking. Unfortunately, this earthly paradise is cut off by floods once noisy roads horses ... There
country here but the spirit sepoy banished because you usually will pay for the sins. Having left everything, man receives nothing but mockery by his vain attempts ...
The failure of our tears laughing quietly as he knows no more to be the tomb of the gods. Men of genius are unique and unrepeatable, but the common people do not know and for this reason crucified shouting "we are all equal." Enough that the mob is expressed to ...
Fight for top ranking is the mission of those that we recognize children of Heaven; fight for equality is to promote mediocrity for the masses leveled down and not towards the sun ..
be "normal person" is the mission of the many who do not know because abnormal size. Therefore, all patriotic fervor is "undemocratic" and the Catholic religion is retrograde ... Respecting minorities
morally and physically sick, you get a most cowardly and sterile. Charitable pitying the "most needy", there are long rows of parasites addicted to charity ...
The value of the charity must be replaced by the aspiration of a people strong, young and beautiful. I cherished these beings are "children of God."
I hope you have thought about my philosophy "politically incorrect." This worldview is censured by the Pharisees of the XXI century. I know it's hard
my language but this is not a self-help book written by those who want to help financially, this book is a gospel in my heart ...
himself writes that this is not a poor Argentine without a dream that enshrined as a writer. Unlike those who place their "booklets" in the minds of the masses conformist, I'm not a slave to the lie (Marxists have to drive cars imported from Germany).
I am a soldier of consistent thinking: Do not preach a model alien to my life because my life is enough to give credence to my words.
"The myth of the century" is the work of a true love emerged from the goal of a new national, social, cultural and moral.