I spoke with a friend to write a newspaper article about Argentina's economy showing statistical data but this seems an almost impossible task: The INDEC - National Institute of Statistics and Censuses - is often questioned by society and your data is improbable. According to a report of that institution, unemployment is less than 9%. Totally inaccurate. What happens is that these scammers tell the bums that are subsidized as employed in the labor system. Also count as workers who receive unemployment insurance, disability and pensions. In short, in Argentina there is no reliable information on immigration unemployment and insecurity. Politicians and corporations "draw" numbers credit towards their moral and electoral.
I will speak from experience and observation: There are millions of young people who neither study nor work. According to media, more than half of Argentine children no occupation (studies, employment or whatever). A pity. Another thing that says the state is not to beg or "surgeon" - "surgeon" is a neologism designating Argentina the "surgeons of garbage" - is not working. It is seen that the Government enjoys seeing that many eat their leftovers and waste.
Data "Argentines abroad? Most statistics say there are two hundred thousand fellow mine in Spain. Obviously the elite Argentina boasts the return plans and stuff but the brain drain and brain-dead not for ever. But as will our best professional players, also goes a destitute middle-class cum-full of flaws and mediocrity. It is known that the person in Argentina is the most hated in the world for their pride, their hypocrisy and cowardice. Is not detracting from my people but something we as we are. The Argentine is excessively individualistic. Here's an example of what I say: The Argentine adapt as well to Europe, USA and Australia who forgets his roots. So do not send money to their homeland. Does not compare with the Latin Americans and Africans who send all their shares to their families. Obviously there are exceptions, but exceptions are not worth mentioning.
This is a separate chapter and so leave a space. To draw a map of the situation, I must say first that the capital is stateless. So I'm not a spic vile blaming the motherland of all its misfortunes. No. There is an international financial class with blood ties, kinship and brotherhood among all nations present. Ignoring this, my nation is in a strong capital "English" Telefonica, Banco Frances, Movistar, Repsol and many others whose names I forget or want to remember. Why how much presence "English" in these plains? Apart from the common history, more than five hundred years the English false guise of Christians are stealing gold, land and souls. Slavery and inquisition Pharisees had been occurring since the time of the colony. The golden metal that drew the "English Crown" enough to build a bridge from Havana to Madrid. So ignorant were the first inhabitants of these lands that changed gold for mirrors. The downside is that it did not favor Europe and Indians but went to the coffers of the big banks of the time (Dutch cases were not such but a very wandering because of the expulsions deserved). Another important point
is that in addition to exist parasites infiltrating the Church and the colonial institutions, these people had a strong tendency for the United Kingdom. That is the real reason the Latin American emancipation which only served to foster Anglo-Saxon conquest of the once new land of Spain. Anyway, if persisted in its existence is no ruling class faces is English, English and Argentina at their convenience. Arguably, the Church was infiltrated by false converts the first English company in South American soil. And as many English immigrants arrived in Argentina - some ancestors of mine included - also filtered many stowaways with foreign ideas such as Marxism and anarchism (unsuccessful were the efforts of liberal and enlightened classes to curb the mob opposite its landed gentry and trade: Duel of human waste).
All this by way of introduction to the issue of the misnamed English companies in Argentina. But the most important in this respect occurred in recent decades. We said that there was always a current "foreign-influenced" in my country. That same kind that was once "English" finished promoting liberalism, enlightenment and economic subjugation to England (France culturally subjugated us.) Well, all this would lead to war civil and intrigue around leaders and popular leaders like Juan Manuel de Rosas and Juan Domingo Peron. Also there were traitors who took advantage of the image of our best men to do their business: Menem sold the country to the capital. Everyone took their part. All companies were privatized utilities in the State including strategic sectors as energy, transport, communications and infrastructure. Telefónica arrived there with his buddies frozen in banks.
I'll give you a case of my own life: I earned my salary for the French Bank. We know that yes or yes or yes or almost have to be "unbanked" because they require the Big Brother and social control. My point is that, once in another job, I decided to close my account. They charged me something like a euro to perform this operation. I did the following states: If the bank charges for each share similar, then it is full of money without contributing anything good or really necessary. A dollar that you remove each sheep - always take a lot more people depending on the complexity of the operations - and the lazy bourgeois will be swimming in gold coins when Disney character.
companies headquartered in Spain were installed on the pretext that the state is a bad manager to employ so many people leaving aside all competition and efficiency. It is true that before Telephone was a luxury to have a phone but I do not need to give our wealth to the multinationals to fruition with a vengeance. No matter. Menem gave everything to the lowest bidder. Another loss was the YPF (Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales). In the early years of the decade of 30 ', a soldier named Mosconi created this company to defend Argentine interests to the detriment of the Zionist Rockefeller. Sure must be spinning in his grave to see that his work was prostituted by liberals as those who handle waste to Repsol. Aerolineas Argentinas
now nationalized again, it has passed through the hands of English people who really are nothing. I tell a funny story: Once I attended the baptism of the son of a colleague who was a mother at sixteen. The priest began to speak and said: "We believe very much alive in the Galician laughing but they were left with all our businesses." I do not know if you know but you would say "Galicia" or "pipes" in my country. Very funny all but hiding a vile reality behind the words. Another anecdote: Once I was chatting with a degree in Russian letters, but turned-taxi driver in Buenos Aires because of Marxism who vainly squeezed it. We started chatting about Spain and he told me that the mother country Argentina resort to whenever there is crisis. In parts it is a lie because no regular English receives from my land except football players and immigrants rude. Then there is Spain who is behind all this but they are the same as always ...
According to some reports, there are two hundred thousand Chinese, but they say they are only sixty thousand. The truth is that 52% of Argentines do their grocery shopping at Chinese supermarkets. They sell everything very cheap. Some say they are in collusion with "pirates of the asphalt" and other attackers that act as suppliers. It is also rumored that at night off the fridges breaking the cold chain and that their deposits are crowded with rats. Besides having very many supermarkets in Buenos Aires and surrounding areas, the Chinese have some chain restaurants and gift shops. I sympathize
these people just arrived from the Far East. They say the English immigrants in this century but there is no comparison: The Argentine state is related to the blood, culture, language and religion of Spain. China is the motherland. But speaking of economics itself, I think the presence of these yellow only hurts small merchants. For that matter, would also have to look down on the big supermarket chains such as Walt Mar, Carrefour, Jumbo and Coto. These are the main creators of inflation in the Republic Argentina. Chinese
addition there are Koreans. They are dedicated to the textile industry and exploit immigrants from neighboring countries in their workshops characterized by overcrowding and lawlessness. Jews are also in the area of \u200b\u200bexploitation of illegal immigrants. They have whole neighborhoods as the area known as "Once" where they sell their goods. Housewives and women oridnarias can not compete against the rule of fair Native American and Jewish. And if you go to a store level, meets Bolivian goods made by exploited and abused but at three times what it sold in seedy places ("La Salada" is a fair adjacent to a polluted river full of rats and indigent bears witness to what I say.)
The field of construction is also saturated by men from Bolivia and Paraguay. They say that doing the work that Argentina does not want to do but lie. The salaries are very low because of cheap labor coming from abroad. What moderately educated Argentina will want to be exploited? None. No one wants handouts.
But the immigrant group most damaging to Argentina is composed of the Argentines themselves, How can this be? Is not it contradictory? No. There are millions of Argentine foreign minded shameless who are friends of immigration, xenophilia and Zionism. The people of Marxist and liberal ideas is the breeding ground for the perpetuation of our corrupt ruling class. The very Democrats say the town is never wrong but they are wrong.
Our economic model is basically agricultural export. We have always been a British colony and now we are in Israel. We do not make nearly nothing compared to Mexico or Brazil are the two strongest economies in the region. So Chile is better than us if we ignore their social collapse caused by earthquakes that occurred recently. Conestable not want to be branded a neoliberal since countries that are big name factories in impoverished workers frightened by the narcos. Except
Peron era, historically we were the breadbasket of the world and nothing else. Just Evita's husband could turn some chimneys in areas surrounding the city of Buenos Aires as the party of San Martin, La Matanza and Avellaneda. If the Church, the oligarchy and the army, today we would not have a single factory. Caste sepoys who always governed us. The same soldiers who led the last coup have been loyal to the United States. Within these capitalists masquerading as nationalists, was the father of Maxima Zorreguieta, future queen of Holland.
Argentina's independence was closely linked to smuggling into England. For some it is that when they laid down the last Viceroy, 1810, the British celebrated with gunfire the fall of Cisneros. At that time Fernando VII was broke and Napoleon took possession of Europe at the same time the UK had its military and commercial ships around the world.
always repressed the workers in the name of false patriotism and false religion. This led to the emergence of anarchism and Comunism early twentieth century. Just at the time of Peron, a student of Hitler and Mussolini and close friend of Franco, the time would come of social achievements and industrialization. We were always what we colony and today as well but do not depend on England but we dominated the world Zionism.
Another phenomenon of Argentina is "Andinia Plan." Metapedia investigate this matter if you're interested. I do not want to dwell too much as it is not the point but just tell them that Zionism is appropriating Patagonia to establish there a new Israel. So you try to destroy all the possible ways that geographical space is a gift from God for their economic and housing (the largest freshwater reserve on the planet).
We have what is called "collective bargaining agreement." For me there is more than a corporate theft protected by the State but nothing can be done if are the same unions that workers sold for thirty pieces of silver. The pay is derisory. If you win four euros is a lot. Worst of all is that the food and services are more expensive than in Europe but the pay is much less. How is it that we have so devalued currency but pay at the supermarket rather than a English whose average salary is nearly a thousand euros?
Another thing that characterizes the work in Argentina is the arrogance of employers. So as soon throw you express your dissatisfaction with some injustice. They can afford it because labor is abundant because of unemployment. The capital is just a long line of people out of work. This is the postcard the powerful do not want to show the world asl. These days Cristina Kirchner is elected by magazines as one of the most powerful women in the world but that bitch frivolous forget rule and give the people bread. Just stick. Nothing for the poor. The only time that is needed to get something at election time. It is amazing that many political rallies will only silver (receive fifty dollars Argentines are something like ten euros).
Misery governs us. The total decline is the end in which players use their forces of globalization. In the midst of human misery teeming with Jewish surnames that Marxists are the worst exploiters of the working class. It is not that pessimistic but realistic send me and noblesse oblige ...
I will give another example of labor exploitation: My brother was kicked out of office the day of his birthday. Only by claiming the category he belongs. They are a shit all the patterns and bossy. Not that it is Marxist, but I will send everyone to jail. They do not deserve to remain free who suck the blood of the workers.
First, would throw all MNCs in the country and imprison all the political leaders of left and right and would shoot to avoid so many conspiracies and attempts to escape. Once cut his head when revolutionary terror Jacobin, the body would have no life. Then deport all immigrants and descendants of ethnic and religious communities that fail to integrate our national ethos. With regard to immigrants from neighboring countries, would return plans for leaving the territory peacefully in Argentina. Would be only the fittest or the most qualified as doctors and engineers despite the racial and cultural differences.
The most important thing to solve Argentina is its lack of broad-minded: When I say I want to shoot the oligarchs Marxist and tell me when I say I own about communists oligarch me cry. I think we should stick to right and left and start quickly debug the human elements of the nation in an effort to get people to work from establoe.
Another revolutionary step would be to open large areas of work for the lazy and criminals. We must do away with the counterculture and the marginalization of the type "Latins Kings" (here are called "kids jets"). Only blood and fire can wipe this nation. Once the elements Zionists, Marxists and oligarchic have been taken out of play, will be encouraged European immigration again but this time he has to take into account the Boers, the Yankees are not Jews, and Russians. We have the seventh largest country in the world but our population does not even forty million.
separate paragraph to say I do not deport or Muslims or the Japanese because they are few and not bother anyone. What's more wonders are integrated and many are converted to Catholicism. Yes, deport most of the Chinese and the Jews because they proved to be very conflicting and inadapatados items. In Argentina, there can be citizens of two countries.
Turning to demographic, we need to encourage people to look and European or European culture, to procreate without limits because we are looking increasingly to Bolivia or Venezuela. The low racial and cultural distances us from the developed countries on Ecuador and other conflicting nations, impoverished and ignorant. European culture is the quintessential national culture as it was until recently the drug will be fought to death along with other trends solvents.
If Argentina takes its soil as possible as does Japan or Germany, we could feed more than one billion human beings. For this it is necessary that the lands are of those who work and not just large landowners who use the hunger of the people. It has to end poverty and homelessness. Pick and shovel and stick to doing nothing. End of multinationals and big capitalists abortion covered by the left that is against the person human.
The Argentina of the future will look to the south but also have to put pressure on all the neighboring countries colonizing peacefully through the gifts, bribery and immigration. The living space of Argentina must correspond to the limits of the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata. We must not let Brazil and Chile, Israel's allies, to move about our country.
would be a breath of fresh air to millions of Russians receive, Afrikaners, and English yankees to rebuild our culture and our peasantry. While these sound human help Argentina, we would have to help them regain their nations. Now let me explain in capital letters of the reasons for my ideas ... AN INDEPENDENT
ARGENTINA HAS TO BE FREE IN THE FIELD cultural, moral, intellectual, political, economic, religious and geopolitical. THE ONLY WAY TO GET autarchy is allying with other nations WILLS AND BOARD AROUND THE WORLD TO ACCELERATE THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM. IF TOMORROW IS EIRIGE ARGENTINA AS WORLD POWER FIRST ORDER, AFTER TOMORROW THE UNITED STATES pretext to launch an invasion to depose a Tyrant ARMED bombs.
My views may seem anachronistic or beyond reality, but is pure realism. Can not think of investors, financial markets and other thieves white collar.
Fighting the capital! Viva Perón
I will speak from experience and observation: There are millions of young people who neither study nor work. According to media, more than half of Argentine children no occupation (studies, employment or whatever). A pity. Another thing that says the state is not to beg or "surgeon" - "surgeon" is a neologism designating Argentina the "surgeons of garbage" - is not working. It is seen that the Government enjoys seeing that many eat their leftovers and waste.
Data "Argentines abroad? Most statistics say there are two hundred thousand fellow mine in Spain. Obviously the elite Argentina boasts the return plans and stuff but the brain drain and brain-dead not for ever. But as will our best professional players, also goes a destitute middle-class cum-full of flaws and mediocrity. It is known that the person in Argentina is the most hated in the world for their pride, their hypocrisy and cowardice. Is not detracting from my people but something we as we are. The Argentine is excessively individualistic. Here's an example of what I say: The Argentine adapt as well to Europe, USA and Australia who forgets his roots. So do not send money to their homeland. Does not compare with the Latin Americans and Africans who send all their shares to their families. Obviously there are exceptions, but exceptions are not worth mentioning.
This is a separate chapter and so leave a space. To draw a map of the situation, I must say first that the capital is stateless. So I'm not a spic vile blaming the motherland of all its misfortunes. No. There is an international financial class with blood ties, kinship and brotherhood among all nations present. Ignoring this, my nation is in a strong capital "English" Telefonica, Banco Frances, Movistar, Repsol and many others whose names I forget or want to remember. Why how much presence "English" in these plains? Apart from the common history, more than five hundred years the English false guise of Christians are stealing gold, land and souls. Slavery and inquisition Pharisees had been occurring since the time of the colony. The golden metal that drew the "English Crown" enough to build a bridge from Havana to Madrid. So ignorant were the first inhabitants of these lands that changed gold for mirrors. The downside is that it did not favor Europe and Indians but went to the coffers of the big banks of the time (Dutch cases were not such but a very wandering because of the expulsions deserved). Another important point
is that in addition to exist parasites infiltrating the Church and the colonial institutions, these people had a strong tendency for the United Kingdom. That is the real reason the Latin American emancipation which only served to foster Anglo-Saxon conquest of the once new land of Spain. Anyway, if persisted in its existence is no ruling class faces is English, English and Argentina at their convenience. Arguably, the Church was infiltrated by false converts the first English company in South American soil. And as many English immigrants arrived in Argentina - some ancestors of mine included - also filtered many stowaways with foreign ideas such as Marxism and anarchism (unsuccessful were the efforts of liberal and enlightened classes to curb the mob opposite its landed gentry and trade: Duel of human waste).
All this by way of introduction to the issue of the misnamed English companies in Argentina. But the most important in this respect occurred in recent decades. We said that there was always a current "foreign-influenced" in my country. That same kind that was once "English" finished promoting liberalism, enlightenment and economic subjugation to England (France culturally subjugated us.) Well, all this would lead to war civil and intrigue around leaders and popular leaders like Juan Manuel de Rosas and Juan Domingo Peron. Also there were traitors who took advantage of the image of our best men to do their business: Menem sold the country to the capital. Everyone took their part. All companies were privatized utilities in the State including strategic sectors as energy, transport, communications and infrastructure. Telefónica arrived there with his buddies frozen in banks.
I'll give you a case of my own life: I earned my salary for the French Bank. We know that yes or yes or yes or almost have to be "unbanked" because they require the Big Brother and social control. My point is that, once in another job, I decided to close my account. They charged me something like a euro to perform this operation. I did the following states: If the bank charges for each share similar, then it is full of money without contributing anything good or really necessary. A dollar that you remove each sheep - always take a lot more people depending on the complexity of the operations - and the lazy bourgeois will be swimming in gold coins when Disney character.
companies headquartered in Spain were installed on the pretext that the state is a bad manager to employ so many people leaving aside all competition and efficiency. It is true that before Telephone was a luxury to have a phone but I do not need to give our wealth to the multinationals to fruition with a vengeance. No matter. Menem gave everything to the lowest bidder. Another loss was the YPF (Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales). In the early years of the decade of 30 ', a soldier named Mosconi created this company to defend Argentine interests to the detriment of the Zionist Rockefeller. Sure must be spinning in his grave to see that his work was prostituted by liberals as those who handle waste to Repsol. Aerolineas Argentinas
now nationalized again, it has passed through the hands of English people who really are nothing. I tell a funny story: Once I attended the baptism of the son of a colleague who was a mother at sixteen. The priest began to speak and said: "We believe very much alive in the Galician laughing but they were left with all our businesses." I do not know if you know but you would say "Galicia" or "pipes" in my country. Very funny all but hiding a vile reality behind the words. Another anecdote: Once I was chatting with a degree in Russian letters, but turned-taxi driver in Buenos Aires because of Marxism who vainly squeezed it. We started chatting about Spain and he told me that the mother country Argentina resort to whenever there is crisis. In parts it is a lie because no regular English receives from my land except football players and immigrants rude. Then there is Spain who is behind all this but they are the same as always ...
According to some reports, there are two hundred thousand Chinese, but they say they are only sixty thousand. The truth is that 52% of Argentines do their grocery shopping at Chinese supermarkets. They sell everything very cheap. Some say they are in collusion with "pirates of the asphalt" and other attackers that act as suppliers. It is also rumored that at night off the fridges breaking the cold chain and that their deposits are crowded with rats. Besides having very many supermarkets in Buenos Aires and surrounding areas, the Chinese have some chain restaurants and gift shops. I sympathize
these people just arrived from the Far East. They say the English immigrants in this century but there is no comparison: The Argentine state is related to the blood, culture, language and religion of Spain. China is the motherland. But speaking of economics itself, I think the presence of these yellow only hurts small merchants. For that matter, would also have to look down on the big supermarket chains such as Walt Mar, Carrefour, Jumbo and Coto. These are the main creators of inflation in the Republic Argentina. Chinese
addition there are Koreans. They are dedicated to the textile industry and exploit immigrants from neighboring countries in their workshops characterized by overcrowding and lawlessness. Jews are also in the area of \u200b\u200bexploitation of illegal immigrants. They have whole neighborhoods as the area known as "Once" where they sell their goods. Housewives and women oridnarias can not compete against the rule of fair Native American and Jewish. And if you go to a store level, meets Bolivian goods made by exploited and abused but at three times what it sold in seedy places ("La Salada" is a fair adjacent to a polluted river full of rats and indigent bears witness to what I say.)
The field of construction is also saturated by men from Bolivia and Paraguay. They say that doing the work that Argentina does not want to do but lie. The salaries are very low because of cheap labor coming from abroad. What moderately educated Argentina will want to be exploited? None. No one wants handouts.
But the immigrant group most damaging to Argentina is composed of the Argentines themselves, How can this be? Is not it contradictory? No. There are millions of Argentine foreign minded shameless who are friends of immigration, xenophilia and Zionism. The people of Marxist and liberal ideas is the breeding ground for the perpetuation of our corrupt ruling class. The very Democrats say the town is never wrong but they are wrong.
Our economic model is basically agricultural export. We have always been a British colony and now we are in Israel. We do not make nearly nothing compared to Mexico or Brazil are the two strongest economies in the region. So Chile is better than us if we ignore their social collapse caused by earthquakes that occurred recently. Conestable not want to be branded a neoliberal since countries that are big name factories in impoverished workers frightened by the narcos. Except
Peron era, historically we were the breadbasket of the world and nothing else. Just Evita's husband could turn some chimneys in areas surrounding the city of Buenos Aires as the party of San Martin, La Matanza and Avellaneda. If the Church, the oligarchy and the army, today we would not have a single factory. Caste sepoys who always governed us. The same soldiers who led the last coup have been loyal to the United States. Within these capitalists masquerading as nationalists, was the father of Maxima Zorreguieta, future queen of Holland.
Argentina's independence was closely linked to smuggling into England. For some it is that when they laid down the last Viceroy, 1810, the British celebrated with gunfire the fall of Cisneros. At that time Fernando VII was broke and Napoleon took possession of Europe at the same time the UK had its military and commercial ships around the world.
always repressed the workers in the name of false patriotism and false religion. This led to the emergence of anarchism and Comunism early twentieth century. Just at the time of Peron, a student of Hitler and Mussolini and close friend of Franco, the time would come of social achievements and industrialization. We were always what we colony and today as well but do not depend on England but we dominated the world Zionism.
Another phenomenon of Argentina is "Andinia Plan." Metapedia investigate this matter if you're interested. I do not want to dwell too much as it is not the point but just tell them that Zionism is appropriating Patagonia to establish there a new Israel. So you try to destroy all the possible ways that geographical space is a gift from God for their economic and housing (the largest freshwater reserve on the planet).
We have what is called "collective bargaining agreement." For me there is more than a corporate theft protected by the State but nothing can be done if are the same unions that workers sold for thirty pieces of silver. The pay is derisory. If you win four euros is a lot. Worst of all is that the food and services are more expensive than in Europe but the pay is much less. How is it that we have so devalued currency but pay at the supermarket rather than a English whose average salary is nearly a thousand euros?
Another thing that characterizes the work in Argentina is the arrogance of employers. So as soon throw you express your dissatisfaction with some injustice. They can afford it because labor is abundant because of unemployment. The capital is just a long line of people out of work. This is the postcard the powerful do not want to show the world asl. These days Cristina Kirchner is elected by magazines as one of the most powerful women in the world but that bitch frivolous forget rule and give the people bread. Just stick. Nothing for the poor. The only time that is needed to get something at election time. It is amazing that many political rallies will only silver (receive fifty dollars Argentines are something like ten euros).
Misery governs us. The total decline is the end in which players use their forces of globalization. In the midst of human misery teeming with Jewish surnames that Marxists are the worst exploiters of the working class. It is not that pessimistic but realistic send me and noblesse oblige ...
I will give another example of labor exploitation: My brother was kicked out of office the day of his birthday. Only by claiming the category he belongs. They are a shit all the patterns and bossy. Not that it is Marxist, but I will send everyone to jail. They do not deserve to remain free who suck the blood of the workers.
First, would throw all MNCs in the country and imprison all the political leaders of left and right and would shoot to avoid so many conspiracies and attempts to escape. Once cut his head when revolutionary terror Jacobin, the body would have no life. Then deport all immigrants and descendants of ethnic and religious communities that fail to integrate our national ethos. With regard to immigrants from neighboring countries, would return plans for leaving the territory peacefully in Argentina. Would be only the fittest or the most qualified as doctors and engineers despite the racial and cultural differences.
The most important thing to solve Argentina is its lack of broad-minded: When I say I want to shoot the oligarchs Marxist and tell me when I say I own about communists oligarch me cry. I think we should stick to right and left and start quickly debug the human elements of the nation in an effort to get people to work from establoe.
Another revolutionary step would be to open large areas of work for the lazy and criminals. We must do away with the counterculture and the marginalization of the type "Latins Kings" (here are called "kids jets"). Only blood and fire can wipe this nation. Once the elements Zionists, Marxists and oligarchic have been taken out of play, will be encouraged European immigration again but this time he has to take into account the Boers, the Yankees are not Jews, and Russians. We have the seventh largest country in the world but our population does not even forty million.
separate paragraph to say I do not deport or Muslims or the Japanese because they are few and not bother anyone. What's more wonders are integrated and many are converted to Catholicism. Yes, deport most of the Chinese and the Jews because they proved to be very conflicting and inadapatados items. In Argentina, there can be citizens of two countries.
Turning to demographic, we need to encourage people to look and European or European culture, to procreate without limits because we are looking increasingly to Bolivia or Venezuela. The low racial and cultural distances us from the developed countries on Ecuador and other conflicting nations, impoverished and ignorant. European culture is the quintessential national culture as it was until recently the drug will be fought to death along with other trends solvents.
If Argentina takes its soil as possible as does Japan or Germany, we could feed more than one billion human beings. For this it is necessary that the lands are of those who work and not just large landowners who use the hunger of the people. It has to end poverty and homelessness. Pick and shovel and stick to doing nothing. End of multinationals and big capitalists abortion covered by the left that is against the person human.
The Argentina of the future will look to the south but also have to put pressure on all the neighboring countries colonizing peacefully through the gifts, bribery and immigration. The living space of Argentina must correspond to the limits of the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata. We must not let Brazil and Chile, Israel's allies, to move about our country.
would be a breath of fresh air to millions of Russians receive, Afrikaners, and English yankees to rebuild our culture and our peasantry. While these sound human help Argentina, we would have to help them regain their nations. Now let me explain in capital letters of the reasons for my ideas ... AN INDEPENDENT
ARGENTINA HAS TO BE FREE IN THE FIELD cultural, moral, intellectual, political, economic, religious and geopolitical. THE ONLY WAY TO GET autarchy is allying with other nations WILLS AND BOARD AROUND THE WORLD TO ACCELERATE THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM. IF TOMORROW IS EIRIGE ARGENTINA AS WORLD POWER FIRST ORDER, AFTER TOMORROW THE UNITED STATES pretext to launch an invasion to depose a Tyrant ARMED bombs.
My views may seem anachronistic or beyond reality, but is pure realism. Can not think of investors, financial markets and other thieves white collar.
Fighting the capital! Viva Perón
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