few days ago the World Daorino read and watched their first innings. Years ago he writes. That gave me impetus to me also to track and publish some articles of mine who already have their years. I recently published a text that is five years old - 2005 - only to show myself that I was an atheist who believed in the importance (the same year I was baptized in the Catholic Church by being a religious fanatic). Why all this? I want to show the world things about myself that conflict with my current thinking or ratify it. Different political and religious issues will be exhibiting in the coming months mixed with traditional fiction writing that characterize me.
I clarify that I do this in the absence of new ideas. Rather, I think one should be checked himself in search of those things that are at the bottom of youth and adolescence. These pictures are worth more childlike the decay of a man believed to be mature. Not for nothing but I want what is best for me in the past and not in an uncertain tomorrow maybe see me in a coffin but never as a petty bourgeois.
My greatest desire is to continue shining the light in me youth. Next year, twenty-two and I guess now gentrified and conservative ideas. Do not want that for my life. Not even accept to be part of a conservative revolution that is more revolutionary. I want to be forever young preferring the zit on your face before the telltale gray of time. Well, should you want to be like old Fausto and sell my soul to the devil if necessary ... Mind
young body young. Changed and a proverb. I keep changing things. I do not want to be a giant baby to be changing diapers. I want to keep changing everything and that all changed me metaphorically and literally. Disregard the human decay and decrepitude. I choose the precocity of death and not longevity in a meaningless life. Why stretch the life expectancy in a nation that accepts that their grandchildren are of another religion or another race? I'm embarrassed to see those white grandparents in the company of her grandbabies and colored by the bad loves his daughters. Terror! Continuing with this apology
youth, I also praise of folly recommend reading of Erasmus of Rotterdam. I also recommend reading the book "The poor man" of the Argentinean José Ingenieros. This work is hard to find in Europe but it is worth trying adiquirirla. It is a synthesis of ideals - no matter the signs - facing a passive herd of every age. The novelty of this paper is that good does not weight any particular ideology but praise the idealism itself. Remember that this book was written in the early decades of last century. For this simple reason, the author fails to fascism because he died in 1925 (Mussolini was getting stronger but was not widely known in Argentina inhabited by Italian socialist and anarchist). And I said what I said in parentheses, also I should mention that Engineers was Italian - Giuseppe Engineering or something - or son of Italians living in Buenos Aires. In such a context it is understandable that was socialist as it ever was the last Caesar. The important thing, beyond the circumstances of time and place, is to weigh the idealism and youth at all costs. There are the communists who invented the power of young people and their imagination and think youth work of cultural Marxism geriatric ...
What else to say? Down with conservatism and up Europe! This is a brief declaration of war on the whole mediocre and decadent populace that is even more mediocre and decadent time reached the end of life. Idiots System function that begin being communists, liberals and then they finally delivered to a religious conversion when only weak flesh burn in hell but not carnal mind. By this I explain why the older we want to condemn their moral afterthought. Sad, sad will want to go with us ...
Without further ado, I present this humble work pequiñisima and titled "Overture." This piece was written two years ago in a very special moment in my very short life: Just completed my studies at the same time looking for work. At that time many people knowing walked then ended up as characters from operetta. However So I served the entire period to be able to distinguish the true nationalists of those who speak only of the country when they are drunk.
I hope you enjoy these thoughts exposed two years ago -2008 - to a youth that I was indifferent. On average Argentine apathy had to dump my thoughts in places like this. Sorry I can not do more for now but just do not win a war against communism that blends perfectly with our culture. I recognize some of my failures, but Hitler did to Germany as a basis. I had no more than a couple of drug addicts and I doubt that in the future to find something good among my countrymen, when they are healthy ones, are well bourgeoise and babes Mom ... OVERAGE
After countless silence has started function: We have removed the veil of censorship and fear to enjoy the most beautiful opera ...
A good deed lasts more than a thousand years, an operetta lives only 4 or 8 years if you have very lucky. For these and other reasons, our youth do not want to waste Argentina nationalist voice in a show insignificant ...
Our lives will bear witness to our ideas while our countrymen begin to receive them by regarding them as true freedom, "Argentina to the Argentine" is our leitmotiv ...
The script has been written by the life and work of men like Belgrano, San Martin, Rosas and soldiers known only to God who have fallen into our Malvinas Islands. Those heroes have tears, sweat and blood to write the best pages of our history: Now we must faithfully interpret our role in this opera entitled "Argentina."
Why use opera as an allegory? I do so because the classical music deserves our respect and especially since it operates as much as a combination of artistic disciplines. Following refined expressions, meaning that we spend your life watching musical flights ...
Returning to our Heroes, I want to recover the controversial figure of General Juan Domingo Peron because he laid the foundation of the "Third Position" giving rise to the popular saying "Neither Yankee nor Marxist Peronist!" We have changed the adjective "Peronist" by "nationalist" ...
Thank God the Soviet Union has fallen, but not for this we must surrender to the hegemony of the United States of America. Nor should we throw at the foot of Venezuela, Cuba and other socialist projects that seek ideological and intellectual domination of the entire region.
To my comrades:
One day, while walking in my continuing job search, I met a young nationalist who was handing out flyers. I got an idea of \u200b\u200bits tendency to view the shoes wearing military camouflage pants and a white polo shirt with the flag of Argentina ...
talked for over an hour on the country's problems and at the end of the street talk, trade cell phones and email addresses. A few days ago I received a message from his brother that night, after a sad and died April 30, we are in a bar on the occasion to share the emerging "Labor Day." We were comrades
six workers at the bar on Avenida de Mayo and 9 July. We discussed all the issues within our remit to the Argentines, the lack of work, government corruption, inflation, etc.. These and other issues were addressed first night ...
Chapter apart:
nationalist Among boys there was one that caught my attention: The boy who tended the bar. I called out clear, bold and Argentina that I like classical music and he only talked to me about this issue ...
- composer Alan What do you like? - I asked.
- Wagner! - I answered without hesitation.
- My family is from Austria and I grew up with this wonderful music. Furthermore, Colón worked at the theater and I got tired of seeing operas and concerts. -
- How I envy you! -
Then keep talking about German literature and philosophy. In half an hour we knew we were the apostles of high culture ...
He and I think that nationalism is tradition and respect for universal artistic heritage. We know that works as "Faust" and "Werther" are for all times and places ...
European roots:
My concept of nationalism can be summarized as: "Argentina over all things." This idea is shared by all of us but there is another idea that is the subject of discussion and summarize my opinion: Nationalism is not systematic cultural xenophobia. This is typical of American bravado that something is so, so gross ...
Our duty is to discriminate between those elements before us, which are good for the national community and what not. Said Walt Whitman in "Song of Myself": ... "He has no family. / Is the son of the soil rather than blood, like all / American legitimate. That this is different / the European ."... He continues: "My tongue, every molecule of my blood born / here, this land and these winds. / I gave birth parents who were born here, / to parents who gave birth to other parents / born here, / of parents, children of this land and these winds / well. "This is, in my view, a grave error. Argentina had a teacher like Jorge Luis Borges who, through his poetry, we showed our European roots starting with his own genealogy ... Anglo-Saxon poet
He invented a past homosexual autochthonous rather than sound as Borges, again and again, he admitted in his writings that "Argentines are children of the ships." Someone may say that this is a country "mestizo" and a "melting pot" but it is not. There may be mixed in our blood but our character and physiognomy are those of Europe.
speak a European language and practice Catholicism by the Latin Rite Need I say that Spain is the "mother country" and that Italy, France and Germany are our aunts?
Countries like Mexico and Peru - direct descendants of the pre-Columbian Aztec and Inca cultures, respectively - are the English element as a minor part of their identity that is expressed in Castilian yet. The Argentines respect the pre-existence of the Indigenous Peoples but we do not consider their natural children. Beyond
drink mate and someone may have some Indian ancestors, no one can tell me that is 100% native because if they do not speak the language of Spain or live in this beautiful city that is Buenos Aires. For this reason we do not agree with the culture "Indian" or "mixed" being who we are alien to them as part of their rituals.
Following this line of thought, we believe in cooperation between neighboring countries but not in the cancellation of Argentina towards the Bolivarian ideal: We affirm that our nation must lead the American continent and the Southern Hemisphere as a whole.
Maybe the end was abrupt but it was just what I wanted to say last point for discussions empty of contents on the left and right, capitalism and communism ... And he was only nineteen years ...
I clarify that I do this in the absence of new ideas. Rather, I think one should be checked himself in search of those things that are at the bottom of youth and adolescence. These pictures are worth more childlike the decay of a man believed to be mature. Not for nothing but I want what is best for me in the past and not in an uncertain tomorrow maybe see me in a coffin but never as a petty bourgeois.
My greatest desire is to continue shining the light in me youth. Next year, twenty-two and I guess now gentrified and conservative ideas. Do not want that for my life. Not even accept to be part of a conservative revolution that is more revolutionary. I want to be forever young preferring the zit on your face before the telltale gray of time. Well, should you want to be like old Fausto and sell my soul to the devil if necessary ... Mind
young body young. Changed and a proverb. I keep changing things. I do not want to be a giant baby to be changing diapers. I want to keep changing everything and that all changed me metaphorically and literally. Disregard the human decay and decrepitude. I choose the precocity of death and not longevity in a meaningless life. Why stretch the life expectancy in a nation that accepts that their grandchildren are of another religion or another race? I'm embarrassed to see those white grandparents in the company of her grandbabies and colored by the bad loves his daughters. Terror! Continuing with this apology
youth, I also praise of folly recommend reading of Erasmus of Rotterdam. I also recommend reading the book "The poor man" of the Argentinean José Ingenieros. This work is hard to find in Europe but it is worth trying adiquirirla. It is a synthesis of ideals - no matter the signs - facing a passive herd of every age. The novelty of this paper is that good does not weight any particular ideology but praise the idealism itself. Remember that this book was written in the early decades of last century. For this simple reason, the author fails to fascism because he died in 1925 (Mussolini was getting stronger but was not widely known in Argentina inhabited by Italian socialist and anarchist). And I said what I said in parentheses, also I should mention that Engineers was Italian - Giuseppe Engineering or something - or son of Italians living in Buenos Aires. In such a context it is understandable that was socialist as it ever was the last Caesar. The important thing, beyond the circumstances of time and place, is to weigh the idealism and youth at all costs. There are the communists who invented the power of young people and their imagination and think youth work of cultural Marxism geriatric ...
What else to say? Down with conservatism and up Europe! This is a brief declaration of war on the whole mediocre and decadent populace that is even more mediocre and decadent time reached the end of life. Idiots System function that begin being communists, liberals and then they finally delivered to a religious conversion when only weak flesh burn in hell but not carnal mind. By this I explain why the older we want to condemn their moral afterthought. Sad, sad will want to go with us ...
Without further ado, I present this humble work pequiñisima and titled "Overture." This piece was written two years ago in a very special moment in my very short life: Just completed my studies at the same time looking for work. At that time many people knowing walked then ended up as characters from operetta. However So I served the entire period to be able to distinguish the true nationalists of those who speak only of the country when they are drunk.
I hope you enjoy these thoughts exposed two years ago -2008 - to a youth that I was indifferent. On average Argentine apathy had to dump my thoughts in places like this. Sorry I can not do more for now but just do not win a war against communism that blends perfectly with our culture. I recognize some of my failures, but Hitler did to Germany as a basis. I had no more than a couple of drug addicts and I doubt that in the future to find something good among my countrymen, when they are healthy ones, are well bourgeoise and babes Mom ... OVERAGE
After countless silence has started function: We have removed the veil of censorship and fear to enjoy the most beautiful opera ...
A good deed lasts more than a thousand years, an operetta lives only 4 or 8 years if you have very lucky. For these and other reasons, our youth do not want to waste Argentina nationalist voice in a show insignificant ...
Our lives will bear witness to our ideas while our countrymen begin to receive them by regarding them as true freedom, "Argentina to the Argentine" is our leitmotiv ...
The script has been written by the life and work of men like Belgrano, San Martin, Rosas and soldiers known only to God who have fallen into our Malvinas Islands. Those heroes have tears, sweat and blood to write the best pages of our history: Now we must faithfully interpret our role in this opera entitled "Argentina."
Why use opera as an allegory? I do so because the classical music deserves our respect and especially since it operates as much as a combination of artistic disciplines. Following refined expressions, meaning that we spend your life watching musical flights ...
Returning to our Heroes, I want to recover the controversial figure of General Juan Domingo Peron because he laid the foundation of the "Third Position" giving rise to the popular saying "Neither Yankee nor Marxist Peronist!" We have changed the adjective "Peronist" by "nationalist" ...
Thank God the Soviet Union has fallen, but not for this we must surrender to the hegemony of the United States of America. Nor should we throw at the foot of Venezuela, Cuba and other socialist projects that seek ideological and intellectual domination of the entire region.
To my comrades:
One day, while walking in my continuing job search, I met a young nationalist who was handing out flyers. I got an idea of \u200b\u200bits tendency to view the shoes wearing military camouflage pants and a white polo shirt with the flag of Argentina ...
talked for over an hour on the country's problems and at the end of the street talk, trade cell phones and email addresses. A few days ago I received a message from his brother that night, after a sad and died April 30, we are in a bar on the occasion to share the emerging "Labor Day." We were comrades
six workers at the bar on Avenida de Mayo and 9 July. We discussed all the issues within our remit to the Argentines, the lack of work, government corruption, inflation, etc.. These and other issues were addressed first night ...
Chapter apart:
nationalist Among boys there was one that caught my attention: The boy who tended the bar. I called out clear, bold and Argentina that I like classical music and he only talked to me about this issue ...
- composer Alan What do you like? - I asked.
- Wagner! - I answered without hesitation.
- My family is from Austria and I grew up with this wonderful music. Furthermore, Colón worked at the theater and I got tired of seeing operas and concerts. -
- How I envy you! -
Then keep talking about German literature and philosophy. In half an hour we knew we were the apostles of high culture ...
He and I think that nationalism is tradition and respect for universal artistic heritage. We know that works as "Faust" and "Werther" are for all times and places ...
European roots:
My concept of nationalism can be summarized as: "Argentina over all things." This idea is shared by all of us but there is another idea that is the subject of discussion and summarize my opinion: Nationalism is not systematic cultural xenophobia. This is typical of American bravado that something is so, so gross ...
Our duty is to discriminate between those elements before us, which are good for the national community and what not. Said Walt Whitman in "Song of Myself": ... "He has no family. / Is the son of the soil rather than blood, like all / American legitimate. That this is different / the European ."... He continues: "My tongue, every molecule of my blood born / here, this land and these winds. / I gave birth parents who were born here, / to parents who gave birth to other parents / born here, / of parents, children of this land and these winds / well. "This is, in my view, a grave error. Argentina had a teacher like Jorge Luis Borges who, through his poetry, we showed our European roots starting with his own genealogy ... Anglo-Saxon poet
He invented a past homosexual autochthonous rather than sound as Borges, again and again, he admitted in his writings that "Argentines are children of the ships." Someone may say that this is a country "mestizo" and a "melting pot" but it is not. There may be mixed in our blood but our character and physiognomy are those of Europe.
speak a European language and practice Catholicism by the Latin Rite Need I say that Spain is the "mother country" and that Italy, France and Germany are our aunts?
Countries like Mexico and Peru - direct descendants of the pre-Columbian Aztec and Inca cultures, respectively - are the English element as a minor part of their identity that is expressed in Castilian yet. The Argentines respect the pre-existence of the Indigenous Peoples but we do not consider their natural children. Beyond
drink mate and someone may have some Indian ancestors, no one can tell me that is 100% native because if they do not speak the language of Spain or live in this beautiful city that is Buenos Aires. For this reason we do not agree with the culture "Indian" or "mixed" being who we are alien to them as part of their rituals.
Following this line of thought, we believe in cooperation between neighboring countries but not in the cancellation of Argentina towards the Bolivarian ideal: We affirm that our nation must lead the American continent and the Southern Hemisphere as a whole.
Maybe the end was abrupt but it was just what I wanted to say last point for discussions empty of contents on the left and right, capitalism and communism ... And he was only nineteen years ...
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