
Fools. Deniers of the essential. There are the famous "kids jets" which are like gangs Central or "Latins Kings' of Spain. Human waste. Never better. If God exists, why are these crap? If these are children of God, as Christians say, one could say that God is a bastard (at least that false god who takes the alms of the Protestant sects addicted to so-called "evangelical or evangelical churches).
We said we are people of hell but we did not fiction or heavy metal to this very rotten with reggaemerdeton, cumbia and the whore that gave birth to the subnormal. They are ruining the white flowers with dark blood and poison, they are the ones that really destroy the good name of God - the true God - with their abominations worthy of cockroaches but not of men. Enemies of civilization who think libertarians hate the police when they steal to buy foreign-brand sneakers. Sudacas These are the soldiers of capitalism and the New World Order are so weighed only be created on the contrary to bring a whore camisetita with the face of Marxist murderer Guevara.
After both hammer and sickle as much as Martinez and Martinez de Hoz and therefore is really good: One day I wanted to kill a drug without killing them. How? Imagine the perfect crime. I'll give you a few lines so they can think about while I still think in order for this story who had no end or beginning because it is the uncertain reality of eternal becoming ...
Imagine you are living, not as stupid as Zapatero and as cowardly as the idiot of John Lennon ...
Can you imagine something? Imagine ...
Imagine what I'm thinking now that I write this. Well, I confess that I have written everything but you have to keep reading to satisfy their curiosity hungry ...
Well, I dressed as a Knight - "Knight" - the Ku Klux Klan at night in winter (the idiots say "night" to bring some style to your pachanga burned and smelly). How did the costume? I took a white sheet made by an Indian slave of a Jew and made a couple of holes at eye level. I had the pleasure as they sell these fabrics at great prices thanks to the slave labor from abroad. The Jew is racist and that helps me as an Argentine, so you can arm myself with my costume xenophobic at the lowest price. Ya! I digress: The cuestón is that I dressed up ...
"Costume Party? No. They, the crooks in the corner, saw me as a spectrum of the night and went to hide in their small apartments. They knew I was his neighbor. The truth is that they were more intoxicated than usual because I purposely left to steal so they could buy enough trash. They were very wrong. They threw All the window. How many? The amount does not matter, regardless of the quality. And they're not worth anything. No regrets ...
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