Monday, November 1, 2010

Istqb Foundationblueprint

Adolf Hitler was a Jew ...

The other day I read an interesting article on the controversial figure of Adolf Hitler. Ma was a chance that you have found such a good material on the street. Well, say I'll always walk like a homeless man who looks at the floor for coins and food. I look for books and written literary treasures to share with the world.
Without another word, we turn to the text in question ...
"Adolf Hitler Jew? As well as hear it. The Fuehrer was Jewish. Look at his pedigree or his face and notice that this Semitic blood in his whole being. This condition Jew mistreated by his own people turned him into a deep anti-Semitic hater. A mental patient who had to sacrifice.
Did Hitler fought the Jews? No. He ended his days living in Israel as a Zionist who ended up being good. Oddly enough, Adolf was a work of "cleansing" within the Jewish community and that wiped out the worst elements as the most recalcitrant Marxists, the most "eslavizados" and homosexuals. Look how you not touched even one hair on the powerful truth. The great banking houses of the period continued to exist yet.
"SS? Hitler ordered the German youth better to die because the Zionists wanted to eradicate the best we had in Europe. The Fuehrer did not lose but wanted to lose the maximum amount of men possible thing to get right with God and the Devil: We fought until the end for Germany but gave peace Jewishness is needed to develop their activities.
In short, Hitler was infiltrated into the German National. Beyond its undeniable racism was not just a pioneer of Israeli racism is fervently anti-Semitic and antisefardita ...
This article was written by a so Edith Sara Cohen. In the world of journalism known as Micaela Dominguez Ferrari but in his private life say "Sassy." Why is it that things are as they are? Is not there a hidden reason at all? We suspect everyone and everything and anything we believe in what we say, we believe more and less ...


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